Bring back the Japanese tank

If it’s possible I would like to see the Japanese tiger tank return to the game. It’s been years since it was in the game and I know it’s the same as the Tiger H1 but it was seen in combat during the Pacific War and should be a part of the main game or at least a premium

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You sure about that…?

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I believe so I remember it was in a battle

AFAIK, no japanese tiger was seen in combat during the pacific war.

lads at Wargaming will explain it
(Sorry for not finding a better source. felt a bit lazy)

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No need to apologize I think I got some bad information on my part. Thank you I’ll be sure to look at it and find better information on my part

Fooled by bad info always happens around the world, don’t worry.


Although the japanese visisted germany, inspected and drove the tiger and bought 1 after that to reverse engineer back home. It never actually left the mainland of germany.

The tiger would need to be transported disassembled by multiple japanese submarines due to the weight and size.

But before they could actually ship it, the war had turned on germany and they actually leased it back from japan to use on the european fronts themselfes.

There is a cool ducumentery about it, could reccomend watching it!


It’d be nice if it at least returned to sale every once in a while… Given it’s Japan’s only (good) heavy tank option ingame, and a decent premium at that. Meanwhile, most of the captured german prems are always on sale…

The Chi-Ri II is actually a heavy.

Chi-Ri is medium and never was “heavy” in game and IRL


Its a heavy relative to the rest of the Japanese tree and its about the same stat wise as the KV-1.
IRL it was never fully built.

Ah, I honestly forgot about the Ro-Go due to how… “Unique” it is.

I’ve gotten 2 30% discount lootboxes for it in the past month. I declined. lol

Ah, but 30% off the Best Tank In The Game™ is such a good deal :D

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I got some bad information on the Japanese Tiger tank. I thought it served during the Pacific War luckily someone gave me some information about it.

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You can buy the Japanese Tiger any time you want on the Meerkat.

Console players can’t buy anything from Market which is dumb because I would happily buy some tanks I would love to own