Bring Back Original Normany, Jungle Maps!

Because uhh… war NEVER has an equal chance for winning, kid. The seasoned players want realism, not balance.

Sadly the same thing happened to Fields of Poland, its now super flat, with small hills that you anyways get campers sitting behind. Before you had a chance to play that two ways, either you could do long range shooting or you could do close quarters inside the city, there was a possibility to do whatever you wanted to do but now its really only close quaters, all hills and spots where you could do long range shooting have been removed, yeah sure the south east spawn had its drawbacks but if you knew that you just dont spawn there after the first spawn of you can smoke and get an advantage of everyone on the top of the north west spawn.

Sadly this was done to most maps thats gotten an update, same goes with Normandy and European province


I don’t see the map ever working with that hill being there, and the other side getting a beach capzone that is entirely useless in comparison, so at least that part was a good change.

Of course, another way to look at it is that they could have given the other side a similar powerful or counter position. But they didn’t. Instead, they went for the “flatten” button. It’s not redressing the imbalance on its own that is telling of the priorities at play here, it’s how they chose to redress that imbalance.


I mean doing anything is more than they’ve done in the last decade at least.

yep, could have done it like you said, but every map they touched in the last 2 months have gotten the Flatten.exe treatment. and then to make it so you still cant snipe make some small hills that you can rat behind instead. really hope they either roll back the maps before the updates or actually take this into consideration for the next map updates we get


I am a seasoned player. I want the maps to not be shit and they’re doing a good job of preventing that lately.

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They’ve been changing maps to make them less effective, removing good spots, changing slopes so you don’t have enough gun depression, blocking or restricting whole areas of the map, even placing bushes so it blocks your view. Most changes made in this game are cause of RB players complaining, just keep them in RB instead of ruining AB.


Yeah the new map changes are absolutely terrible …it feels like they just want to turn everything into a mindless single path lane shooter. No thinking, just press W , point and click.
The original maps allowed for all sorts of engagements and sight lines and allowed certain vehicles to be played to their strengths. All Maps had their advantageous positions around which always smaller battle occurred due to their importance in map control or defensive positioning.

I dont know who at gajin approved these map edits but they are terrible and I fully support reverting them , they should have at least asked the community before implementing such a terrible change . Some maps had issues with lines of sight from spawn to spawn,but all they had to do to some of the spawns was add a hill or obstacle to fix em.
It honestly shows that the person who edited these maps never spent any amount of time playing any of the maps at any of the tiers . It literally feels like they want to turn every map into a mindless CQC lane shooter that does not require the player to do any thinking and only benefits certain vehicles and play styles.

These map changes make this update by far one of the worst update, I personally absolutely hate it .


Could not agree more. I’m not sure if this says a lot about the average player is, or what they think the average player is. Frankly I feel like this is an insult to our intelligence.


Please. You’re maybe 14 or 15 years old. As your name suggests, you like balanced maps. Seasoned players - older guys like me - want realism. Gaijin should work a solution to satisfy both play styles.

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I am 26 years old… I have been playing since 2017… get a grip. You can’t just shut down what I say because you THINK I’m some child.

It’s how you present yourself. You like to $hit on people who disagree with your views. That’s how teenagers behave. But it’s your attitude that makes me dismiss your opinions, not your age. If you want me and others to take you seriously, offer up a real suggestion.

I’m saying there’s no reason Gaijin cannot support both play styles. Give the players a choice what maps they prefer. You can select balanced maps, I can select realistic ones. Splitting between AB and RB seems logical to me, but perhaps there are alternatives.

But flat out removing the very realism that made the game successful in the first place can only backfire. Just look at the comments in this thread. Seems about half the folks are pretty put off by this update. That can’t be good for business.


Im disappointed about Normandy, people complain about campers in Normandy but I loved the southern part of this map, I like more fringe terrain, so the fact for play it has became a “lets make roving hills and spawn is now a hill you have to get on top of to volunteer to be spawn shotted” is terrible. Like Euro prov is better with the weather changes at lower tiers because you aren’t having to engage in aim duels across map sans a rangefinder against say tigers with a flat 88 mm gun. I loved flanking in a Bradley or in a M18 on their respective BRs. Now I rage because someone that got eyes first on our spawn kills me instantly.