Breguet Br693

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Description: The Breguet Br693 was a French twin-engine strike aircraft of the Second World War. It was designed in 1934 as the Breguet Br 630, and it was made under the requirements emitted by a competition of the French Air Force. The Br 630 was not able to win against the Potez 630, but Breguet Aviation was not giving up, and in 1935 they started to design a new version called the Br690. Later, the French Air Force became interested in the new version and in 1937 placed an initial order of 1 unit to test the new aircraft. In the test, the Br690 showed good performances, and in some fields, it even surpassed the Potez 630. This demonstration led to an order of 100 units by the French Air Force in the Br691 AB2 configuration. This version was made for ground attack, and it showed various differences compared to the prototype. First of all, one of the two 20-mm Hispano cannons was removed in favor of two 7.5-mm machineguns, and various bomb racks were installed under the wings. The French Air Force was so satisfied with the aircraft that they decided to double the order. But rapidly, the French air force changed the order from the 690 to the 693. This newer version was equipped with the more powerful Gnome-Rhône 14M engines. When the second world war started, the Br693 was mainly used by the French air force, and after the armistice with the Germans, a part of the remaining aircraft was able to reach the allies, and another part was used by the Reoublic of Vichy. In 1942, when the German and Italian forces invaded the Republic of Vichy, various of the surviving units were seized and captured. Italy seized a total of 18 Br693 AB2 at the French airport in Orange. This unit was shipped to Italy, repainted with Italian colors (it was also fitted with unique decals), and put into service in the Regia Aeronautica. In Italian service, they were intended to be used as fighters against the Allied bombers, but they were actually never used in such a role. Their fate is a little bit obscure; it is unknown if some of the surviving units joined the Aereonautica Nazionale Repubblicana or the Regia Aeronautica Cobelligerente after the armistice. After the war, nothing remained of them.

Why it should be in the game: It could give to the Italian tree a good low tier event/premium ground attack aicraft






Bréguet Br-693AB-2
Bréguet 693 - Wikipedia
Breguet Br.693






+1 sure , i would love to play it

Although i liked you post - i do not see any necessity to put another example of a totally useless and unsuccessful WW2 plane into the game.

The French aircraft industry produced (excluding MB 152) a hell of sub-par single/twin engine planes serving in WW2 - reviving a plane like this is even for me as aircraft enthusiast no option as long as actually successful WW2 planes are either nerfed like hell (like FM of 190s) or made unplayable for the average pilot due to way too high BRs (like almost all Italian fighters).

In any case; GL with your suggestion!

Not useless at all. I’ve had a great time using the Br.693 and know it would be a good addition to the Italian tt, giving another 1.7 strike aircraft besides the Breda 88.


Yeah, no. IMO, almost everything you wrote here is misguided at best or flat out ignorant at times. Although French aircrafts had problems, mostly being underpowered in terms of motorisation (that includes the 152), they were far from being “crap” as you say. And the Br 693 in real life and in the game fly like a charm. It’s one of the most efficient attacker at its br, it benefits from a good forward facing firepower (though the angled armament takes time to get used to), an average bomb load, good acceleration and exceptional manoeuvrability. Something tells me you have barely tried to play it.

As far as the suggestion is concerned, I wouldn’t mind seeing it in the Italian tech tree as a premium but if I recall correctly there are many italian made attackers that should be prioritized before going for this one.



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Dude - u are a French main with a few hundred matches for Italy.

I did not want to hurt your personal feelings, but If you can’t accept reality: Don’t call others ignorant. I have replaced “crap” with “subpar”, but the outcome won’t change…

I do not agree that engine power was the main issue, imho their engines (HS 12 and GR 14) were “ok”. If you see the famous early RR Merlin engine: Spits with British 87 octane fuel (so without US delivered 100 octane fuel) were clapped above France too, but with much lower loss rates.

The majority of French domestic aircraft in WW 2 had loss rates similar to German U-boats or British bombers in daylight raids. But you knew that.

Besides the D 520 and the MB 152 they were unable to produce any aircraft being able to compete with other nations. The success of some Finnish MS 406s vs the USSR was solely based on better Finnish pilots. Full stop.

Alone the fact that this is your 3rd most flown aircraft speaks for itself. If a guy with 13k battles plays Rank I planes, i am not sure if it makes sense to continue.

The problems of Italian props were in the past insane repair cost combined with way too high BRs. Now it is more or less just the BRs what prevents new players to enjoy the outstanding Italian prop experience - the average Italian pilot is simply better on average as players from the big 3 nations, so the BR won’t change.

I do agree that Italian aircraft should have priority.

I’m not going to debate with you. Pulling out my scoreboard as if it was some kind of valid argument is already bad enough, but the few things you said about WW2 are proof enough that if you’re not just trolling, you are indeed completely ignorant, at the very least about the Battle of France. Fortunately, your opinion (as mine) have absolutely no effect on the decisions made about this game, so you know. Whatever floats your boat.

Lmao - enjoy living in your bubble.

I said no, not because it’s a bad plane, but because I do not like copy-paste aircraft. Sorry to Italian players but I think each nation should keep a maximum of their own designs to themselves.

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This is an act of despration since gaijin tends to forget or outright hate Italy, the research team is trying every single vehicle available.


+1 under some conditions

  1. That the Italian made aircraft that could fill this role be prioritized
  2. That this only be added as an event vehicle, premium or squadron vehicle
  3. That France get it as well

They alredy have It at 1.7


This plane is so much fun, I’ve been uptiering it to 4.0 and disassembling people left and right.
Some notable planes I turned with and won are Yak 3s, Ki-44s, Wyverns, and the new B7A2. FW 190s do not stand a chance. I don’t know what would happen in a prolonged fight, since my opponents die too quickly.


I could be fun and premium/event/squadron. (But I prefer tech tree) +1

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Didn’t know that