BR unbalanced

Matchmaking system is unfair, especially after 7.7 BR. Its 90% one sided annihilation. I suggest you put a skill based system into the system. I’ve been quitting the game a few times for a year or so just to wait for changes, some happened, some did not.

Maybe in the very beginning of the games history the system may have worked, but as things have progressed this simplistic system is no longer fit for purpose. It needs a complete overhaul to include factors that are just not bothered with but make a big difference to the match up, things such as player skill, vehicle modifications, crew skills and how effective the vehicle is against other vehicles it faces ( this really combines all the other factors mentioned).
As it is the matchmaking system is a simple, easy and lazy way of making a grouping and it shows far too often in games that are over in minutes, it will never be changed because of the companies idolisation and abject fear of queue times.
It could be that the system is the outcome of laziness or it is deliberately done to meet the adoration the company has of the queue times, either way it is the players paying or other wise that suffer for this decision.