Br system & matchmaking

I recorded my matches with a few vehicles and how often I play my own br and how often there is fulluptier. Well the result is disgusting literally the br system not exsist. And we not get extra reward if we have to play full uptier. Even though we start from a massive disadvantage.

It feels better on a plane. Like a fox3 vs fox1 or the 30g all aspect vs no flare but the afterburner vs earlyjets not rly good too.

So what do you think about the current br system and matchmaking? Do you think this is okay?
In my opinion, it’s nonsense.

This is the MM reality “check the pic” 1.0 (fullptier) from 0.0 own br etc…


I’ve been using a US 5.7 lineup and it seems it’s almost always a 6.3+ game. I’m not a big fan of the current match making selection.

And this is the main reason why I either play max BR in RB or just play Sim.

In either case, you cant be uptiered.

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I’ll always find it outstanding how Gaijin managed to find a mathematically efficient way of uptiering most players, no matter what BR you play. If only they were half as good at literally anything else…

It wouldn’t be a problem if BRs weren’t so compressed. A full uptier should be a case of “My vehicle has some disadvantages, but I can still win if I play my cards right” rather than “My vehicle is worse at literally everything and I can only win if the enemy is incompetent enough to allow it”. At some BRs it is still the former, but at some BRs and modes it’s definitely the latter.


Matchmaking and the BR system are not really working now they have increased the roster of vehicles and keep trying to shoehorn in the weird and wonderful to increase revenue.
It is also weird that you get the same good rewards for basically under tiering yourself due to your own skill level and your crew/equipment levels. A lot of games if you do that then your rewards are decreased due to the difficulty being decreased.
You can still be taken out technically, but you do an awful lot of damage and it takes a whole more effort for the other players to do that.
It seems a bit like a five year old’s with football boots and a kit being told to play in a premiership game and when they complain are told to get good and stop moaning by the other teams manager as they want to smash a few dozen goals in. Which possibly displays the nastier side of the human race and this player base.

I still dont understand having 5.7 and 6.0 vehicles and then always put them together…like whats the point just make them same rank, like current rank means nothing…just confusing.

balance reason

Fair enough. But I still dont see any logic since you never play rank your vehiecle is, more in ground then air…but still…but oke “balance”.

The problem is a game that has grown out of control, BR overcrowded with premiuns that distort even more the MM.

They claim to have 2000 vehicles but they don’t have even half of the original ones and not even 100 viable ones.

With the excuse of only 2-4 top tier per game they can create as many crappy games as they want. It is pure mathematics.

The only solution is a counter that every 2 - 3 the game will force you to look for a game in which you are top tier. But they will never do it.