BR reduction for Japanese Type 81 (C) to 10.7

No, it happens most of the time.

Not when I was playing it though.

Play more

I played enough to notice it’s decent at 11.3.

Yeah, so? Your stories aren’t completely true, you need to play more to realize that.

As I said, I played enough to see how it performs at 11.3.

Yes, I’ve seen your posts about how it performs.

Lol no, it does NOT need a BR reduction.

I take my disagree back… I think it should reduce to 10.3. Not sure what the problems but seem like the fuse is bug and can’t even blow the scout drone in pieces

That’s actually a problem of scout drones having a too small hitbox.

Nah, is not only that. It feel less lethal than what it feel before, I had also try direct hit a AH-64 and it survive that not even the tail is break, only setting 1 engine on fire

Biggest counter to the type 81 is pointing your nose to the ground, it overleads so much is impossible to shoot down any fixed wing flying low, photoconstrast only works at high altitude with no clouds behind, helis can only be locked at 3km IR or 4,5km photocontrast (again only if they are flying high against a clear sky)

Just because it is fun to play doesnt mean the problems dont exist, no radar, locking problems, no self defense capability, big fragile target, no close range engagement (deadzone probably around 500m to helis and 1,2km to fixed wing), it shouldnt go below 10.7, but is definitely no 11.3 material at the current state, with arh missiles and multi vehicle mechanics it could probably even go to 11.7 tho (but changing the br to 11.0 will also not change anything bc compression, so just let it sit there)

I think the biggest problem right now is the sound, when it implemented in game you can hear the plane and heli so clearly even if they at far and subsonic, but someone just change the sound making it almost impossible to hear the sound of the aircraft even it flying in sonic, before the sound reworks or bug the vehicle is playable but after that is just pure suffer