Br placement A-5C

Can ayone tell me why the A-5C still sits at 10.7?
The plane does not offer anything that helps you survive among planes of your br. With the A-5C all you get is a airframe form 9.3 with an engine upgrade that makes you good at climbing and bad at flying. Pretty much any plane in a br range of ±1 br outspeeds you excluded things like the A-10’s of SU25’s, you turn like a brick and dogfighting isn’t an option, yet the boom and zoom type of play isnt either, as the closest to zoom youll get is 150 km/h slower then anything else. Armament is also not something thats good for 10.3, sure the Magic 1’s are good missiles, but any enemy aware of your generell existence can counter them with 1 flare, or just fly away, which lets them escape the range of the missiles pretty fast. You can take out 2 bases with your 4 napalm bombs, but again that just doesnt happen a lot as any plane like a f4s or any mig 21 can just kill the bases before you. Overall the A-5C just seems like a plane that tires to do everything at 10.7, but doesnt do anything good, or even avaerage. You sit in a flying brick, with little offensive or defensiv capabilities at a br where great dogfighters like the F-5C sit and planes with actuall missiles like mig21’s and 23’s sit, this plane is barely equiped to fight the flareless planes 1.3 brs under it

Uptiered a lot due to it being a decent bomber and having 2 magics for killing jets after. The jet is sorta overrated by gaijin, but not by a huge amount.

this is also telling though, it shows me you don’t actually understand the aircraft very well and you are blaming it for faults of your own. the A-5C energy fights and ratefights very well. It just can’t one circle, which unfortunately is probably what you think a dogfight is.

Supersonic+magic 1s (free kills against players without flares), as well having flares and a decent base bombing loadout.

10.3 is too low for something like that.


Not really, its just that gaijin values base bombing heavily despite it not actually impacting game balance/matches. That’s what I was referring to in my first post.

you can only go supersonic when diving your topspeed is around 0.9 mach, and most matches are at 11.0 or higher, I’ve rearely seens the flareless aircraft at the br in the around 180 matches ive got on it rn and as i said the base bombing loadout is good sure, but in 9/10 matches entirely irrelevant as any mig 21, f4s and pretty much any other base bomber a the br is faster then you, 4 bombs are useless with 0 targets to bomb

not true, even at sea level you can go mach 1.00, but the a5c can go over mach 1.00 as soon as you climb to any kind of altitude

you can’t use this as an argument for why a vehicle should be higher/lower

good, because before it ruined a lot of lower tier aircraft

you need to ask for decompression, thats the only solution to this thing being a bit mid

still, you also describe the plane as bomb base, go kill stuff after right? the thing that makes me wonder the most is that the bomb base part is not remotely good on it, the thing is slower then all the other prominent bomber around its br, mostly mig21’s and f4s’s, which just kill all the 4 bases before oyu get there, so half the plane is just unusable in 9/10 matches, i dont get why bombing is so important to them when in a 16v16 match probably 12/16 players on each team can take out 1 or more bases, yet only 4 are available that barely do anthing to decide the way the match goes

? ever since they added napalm you can easily kill a base

yeah not really important when you consider what I actually said though. Listen closely: GAIJIN has decided base bombing is very important regarding what BR a plane gets, and because it performed TOO WELL at lower BRs, it is now at the BR its at. It doesn’t mean it will perform well at this BR at bombing, they just didn’t want it bombing at lower BRs unimpeded.

its literally just because you earn consistent rp/sl and they hate that

honestly imo a bit mid is a understatement, the plane does almost anything worse then all other thing you could get at the br, i doubt there will be anything done about it in the next year or so

its still very playable. thats why its mid and not shit.

mid for 60 bucks is basicly shit, if they wanna make their game basicly pay to win, sure go ahead with preium stuff b usually being better then the other stuff at its br range, but this thing just doesnt seem better thena anything in any way, i just dont get their decition making, if they dont like the constant sl/rp you get from bombing, just make bases 1/10 of the reward and add like 30 more, the current way air rb is build is fighter killing each other and the 6 bombers on each team tking each other for the 4 big dots on the map, that have basicly no impact on the result of the match

sure but we shouldnt normalize p2w either by saying all premium vehicles need to be meta/the best, mid is not bad, it means mid.

no? we don’t want that?

basically it can bomb and also be a fighter afterwards… most aircraft cant say the same

of course many aircraft can bomb and fight afterwards, just look at any mig21, any mig 23, the su17’s, su22, a-10, su25’s, all f4’s, the f5’s the jaguar, harriers, pretty much any strike aircraft and like 40% of all fighter as the br, at least

i would even say most aircraft you can see with a 10.7 plane, can bomb and the fight with at least 2 misisles like you can in the A-5C, the other aircraft just are better

not many at this BR

there are zero mig21s in game that can do this (all have to sacrifice significant missile load for usually them not being able to actually bomb)

same thing except for 23BN which can actually bomb

yeah these are similar to a5c, dont know why you bring it up though because they’re all higher BR

these are su17s, refer to above

a10 cant do this

su25 cant do this

correct, but they’re all higher BRs or they’re the F-4C (which is garbage)

can kinda do it but its throwing to do so

these can only kinda do it

see all the reasons above for why this isnt true

nay mig 21 can kill a bas and still have 2 missiles and a good base aricraft, any mig 23 can kill a base and take 2 missles thos that is kinda stupid i agree, the su25 can take 8 napalm boms without any issue, the a10 6 2000lbs bombs without issue, the f5s can do itd still be at the given base beofre you are, sure some aircraft have to sacifice some missiles to do so and only to kill 1 base, but it doesnt matter really as there never is a second base to kill at this br, and if there is it is very rare. Even if losing out on 2/6 missiles the mig 21bis for example is going to kill a base before the A-5C and will still be significantly better in the fighting aspect, as gajin doesnt care that most fighters are better at killing bases due to being there before the strikeaircraft have a chnce to kill any bases, no matter if they can take out 1 or 3 in total

mig21 with 2 R-60s is worse than you with 2 magic 1s.

mig23 is also a much higher br anway… why is this being brought up

it also has a trash FM unlike the A5C

same issue

not true, the same BR mig-21s get regular r-60s that are much worse than your magic 1s and their FM’s kinda need the 4-6 missiles as they rely heavily on them

how is a r60 so much worse then a magic 1, one is all aspect the other rear only, sure the magic is faster and can pull more gs, but that is entirely irrelevant cause any plane that drops 1 flare on accident will be 100% unharmed by this so much better missile and dont start with the flareless planes again, it doesnt matter if a mig21 smt doesnt get flares if it can just run away as soon as it sees me going in its direction, or just aviod me by not showing its rear and thus making the missilel entirely unusable

Gaijin put it up during “decompression” and forgot to bring it back down once the J-7D went down.

Yes really, a slightly worse MiG-19 with 2 30G missiles and flares has no place fighting 9.3s, period. If the A-5C and other similar jets get bodied that badly, then maybe some of the jets around it need to get moved up in BR instead.

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