BR issue

What’s up with all BRs seeming do be constituted of 2/3 or more uptiers? I can’t determine if it’s just more players always coincidentally on one BR higher than me at once or if some nations just always get uptiered. From 1.0 to 9.0 I’ve had this issue and it doesn’t make sense because for one BR to always get uptiered, one must always get downtiered. People have suggested that premium players get downtiers as a “gift” from Gaijin, but I feel someone would say something. It honestly makes the playing experience bad, especially on mid tiers and higher tiers where the BR above you is worlds better than your own vehicles. Sure there needs to be decompression and uptiers/downtiers are needed, but this feels like insanity.

No one has said anything because that isn’t true.

You’re more likely to be in a full uptier than a full downtier because Gaijin limits 4 players at the top BR.

Also, would you consider a 5.7-6.7 game when you’re playing 6.3 an uptier or a downiter?

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@Ion_Protogen Talked about this before and someone DID say something about premium players getting more downtiers. I just used that as a reference as to possible reasons why this happens, and I was just brainstorming. I didn’t know that, but still doesn’t make sense why I don’t get many partial downtiers. A 5.7-6.7 as a 6.3 is a partial downtier, but still a downtier in my eyes. I’m talking about stuff like 5.7-6.7 and being a 5.7 or 6.0, 70% of the time.

I used to think so as well, but only yesterday i managed to get 6 almost full- or full downtiers in a row. I am just confused now (I was playing britain 7.7)

@Hurlalala I agree it’s really inconsistent. I’m just as confused as you and only want to find out why its doing it, not to create false statements at all.

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UMMM maybe because the game has become trash??? just a thought!

If it is trash, then why play it? Don’t play games that aren’t fun, that is a recipe for disaster.

Sooo if i stop playing, does that mean the game is no longer trash?

No? He means if you don’t like the game don’t play it.

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My hope is that one day gaijin will understand how bad the game has become and make it better!

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Teams are such garbage due to GAijin selling premiums with no experience or back up vehicles of similar BR!

Youre more likley to get uptiers at certain BRs because the higher BR is more popular than the lower.

@Caernarvon02 Yes, that seems like it should be the truth, but I wouldn’t post if it were that simple. I get constant full uptiers at 5.7, 6.7, and 7.7, but when I shift to 6.7, 7.7, and 8.3 (8.7 US isn’t really too worth it), I STILL get uptiered most of the time. Statistically if there are to be many players getting uptiers a lot, then there should be players getting downtiers a lot, but it doesn’t seem to happen. Like @Ion_Protogen said, 4 players are limited at the top BR, but no matter the BR range, I can’t seem to find one with an even uptier-downtier ratio (at least from my experience).

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Confirmed from my side.

When I play 6.0 I get 9 out of 10 times uptiered to 6.7, if I shift to 6.7 I get the pleasure of meeting the Fox and the Scimitar and when I play 7.7 I suddenly encounter swarms of Turm IIIs.

It is an endless circle, you want to play a BR at that BR and yet you end up facing vehicles a full BR above you.

That might not always be an issue, but when I unlock a new vehicle and play it stock against vehicles a full BR above, then I honestly question why I play the game at all.

must admit its only 9.3, 5.7 and 9.7 that I can say I get an uneven distribution of uptiers to downtiers but it may be that I’m a British main so my nation just fills gaps on major nation teams

Using The Military Show as a source in the big '25 💔💔💔 ts ain’t reliable brother 🙏

This is the been hashed out over and over. Search it up. There’s a formula. Most of your games will be uptiers of some amount.