Bombing base target selector when selecting to spawn as a bomber (in air AB, RB, SB)

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Hello Fellow Pilots, Tanks and Sailors,

My suggestion is to make it so bombers pick a base to target so they don’t need to fight over who to bomb which base. That is my incentive for thinking about such a feature. The “long explanation” below is “decently” long and will take some of your time to read. I hope you can read through it because it could inspire you to think of other features similar to it that would improve War Thunder experience.
This feature would look like this:

[short explanation]

When you spawn as a bomber, you can select “free” bombing base target in view map menu. Then that base will be “yours” for your bombing run. The map will show that you selected that base and the color of that base won’t be the “enemy color” but a slightly different one. Gajin could also make a color change or addition to viewing the target from the game itself and not only from map view.

[Detailed explanation]

After 90% of players spawn, 10 (or X) seconds pass, then to the side of the screen (for bombers) a small notification pop up with a writing “select your bombing directive/mission” (something of this kind of message) and below it is the button keybind for viewing the map. If the player clicks it, the map will be semi gray-ed out (except bombing targets that are available/not picked yet by another player, I will call them “free bases”). they will blink few times. Then a box in the center of the map will then pop up with “select your target”.

4 situations of what could happen:

1. If the player selects it, the color of that target will change color, the map will return to normal colors and the menu will auto exit “map view”. If player wish to view map again, they have to click on the button again.
2. If the player decides to ignore the message on the side of the screen, after few seconds, it will slowly fade and get folded in to the side of the monitor with an arrow to bring it out. (something similar got added recently like “bomb loadout selector mid flight”)
3. If player clicks on the view map button and then exit it, it will instantly make the side screen pop up blink/start fading and gets folded.
4. Player can go and click on the arrow to fold the message manually.

Economy incentive:

If you bomb that base, the RP and SL you get from it is 110%, if you do decide to bomb “someone else’s” base, you will only get 90% of RP and SL. This economy boost will only work on the first bombing target. This could prevent bombers from killing each other over boosting more bases for themselves and over-grinding (though I don’t mind it, but many don’t).

Changing bases:

To change your base (during your flight and you needed to change course and the target), hold the “viewing map” button, and click on a different “free” base, it will then switch it to a different one.

Issue of losing your bomber on a bombing run:

If you die on your way to a base, after 20 (or X ) seconds, the base will return to be “free” and reward from it will be back to normal 100%. This ensures that there is enough time for your bombs to connect and not waste your teammates bombs.

Thank you for holding so far.
Any feedback or suggestions to improve this little “cool” feature are welcome

Thank you for Reading

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I voted no - simply because your suggestion won’t solve any issues related to base bombing.

Long version:

  1. Bombing of respawning bases has zero game impact on the outcome of Air RB matches as the ticket drain of 180 to 300 tickets for a base kill plays no role in 98% of the matches.

  2. Marking a base does not deal with speed differences and the actual probability to get there and drop - all you create is to add another level of complexity which will lead to even more toxic behaviour.

  3. A few years ago we had a kind of bomber netiquette as long as enemy airfields were the main target - the game changed since May 2020 (respawning bases) completely. Replacing manual coordination with the proposed tool makes no sense as long as players follow their own goals and don’t care about the match result.

  4. Currently there are simply too many players on selfish grinding tours competing for way too few bases without the main target = enemy airfield. Your suggestion deals with symptoms - not with the root cause of this mess we have right now.


Wow, I never thought about it that way. Thank you for the feedback.

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