Bombers need a huge buff

I feel bad for a lot of the brit bombers with only 7.7s tbh…

Hope they come down in BR, rn they are quite literally just punching bags.

That rework ain’t happening seeing how gaijin caters to the fighter players ( which I’m a part at cuz it is actually fun), i can think of several solutions:

  • Let bomber spawn higher: still won’t solves the fundamentals issue, just make it harder for them to be intercepted and give more incentives for space climbing
  • Modular crew: make it so important crew like gunners or pilots of the plane can be replaced by others with a wait time of 2-5s for gunner pos and 5-10s for pilots
  • Make map larger: won’t be happening especially since the community voted to remove ec map for prop arb (which i agreed with)
  • Move base respawn time down to 2 min or smth
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Yeah, though calibre alone isnt the entire issue. They also have terrible turret coverage. its easy to hide in their blind spots

lower base spawn time, or just add the AF as a target would make a LOT of difference. Modular AFs already exist for EC. So easy C&P there.

Yeah, making crew tankier might help, but also bombers are just rather flimsy currently. But I doubt they’d ever overhaul them like you said.

Higher spawn might help, maybe also move them forward a bit too.

The AF not being a target in RB is wack, dont know why they removed it. Hell, even AB has that.

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Yeah. well, when it was a thing in RB, games could be ended by bombers (its why bomb load is a balancing factor) but yeah, its need to restored. A guaranteed target that you can drop bombs on is the main reason why I play SB for attackers

You have a lot of guaranteed things to bomb at the center of the map - unfortunately it makes no economic sense to attack them.

But for bases you need at prop BRs a Wyvern or Ju 288 (=premium) or a B-18B at 4.0 (with lousy income) or a B7A2 with one guaranteed base kill even at full uptiers (9 x 60 kg kills every base).

I described the reasons here:

yeah, but that doesnt do mcuh to help 99% of attackers, Strike aircraft, bombers, interdictors, etc. and yeah, those ground targets are basically worthless. Especially if you need to fly through a furball to try and hit any of them

For me its more like…


And for those disrupting the Thread, take the personal dispute to PM…




Gunners replacing one another would be nice. However gunners were not trained for the piloting position, that was a completely different program. So if a Gunner had to fly their gonna need a whole lot of patience cause its not what they know.

The problem with Air RB maps is 1 simple factor, you die, you’re done that’s it, another issue is that there weren’t enough players in those maps to justify them. Heck, I’d say even in Sim there just isn’t enough either.

2 minutes would just be too quick. I’d say around 5 minutes and 30 seconds would be better.

Fairly certain the current respawn time is 5 minutes.

Wasn’t aware of that. If it is then ill stick to my first option which i didn’t type which was 3:30.

Yeah, room for fine tunement, I think 2-3 minutes would be about right and/or combine with more bases, perhaps 6 from start

I’d say 4. 6 is stretching it a bit since matches aren’t likely to last that long.

Maybe, its more about that first rush

Chances of you getting all 4 bases isn’t that high.

Chance of getting 1 bases is very low at some BRs. A tornado is guaranteed to get none normally

Well yea, ig ( and i maybe wrong) but with plane with 2 pilots, gaijin don’t model both pilots in most of the time only one pilot is the actual pilot. I think this is old info now and snail have updated it but idk.

I think that is entirely gameplay problem, gaijin wanted game to be shorter and closer in prop ab and rb (also a problem with jet 16v16) so there would be more actions and fights, they even lowered the battle time down as well. I supposed with the short attention span everyone have it no wonder they cater to that demographic