Bomber repair&,eplenishment And FPE

General repairs to parts aviable to the grew & Engine repair particullary at Gunner placements, Also Engine repair could be given since some Bomber have gunners at there engines that did maintence or had access to them.(Could be repaired if they weren’t disabled completely)



Fire Fighting, Taking a explae as the Engine gunners a option could be added to fire fight the engine there at.

Grew replenishment simple, most bomber had some medkits or what is this tho, same as long as a other grew member has access to the sleepy guy

So… Basically this for bombers
Also i am out of ideas i don’t want to repost other people ideas


in Addition the Mobillity de-buff while repairing Could be the G that the vehicle is feeling, like you need to have stable flight to repair or the repair resets or is canceled