It’s been covered but is relevant here: we very much need a key bind for the “Main and Aux guns with one button” (dual shooting) so the gun groups themselves can be sorted out.
Also, at least for me I change guns many more times that I do ammo type, its not like in tanks where you can often want to fire different shells with each shot. My keys are currently: 1,2,3 selecting guns, 4 cycles ammo type, directly selecting ammo is alt+1,2,3,4 (alt in unbound from show chat). This makes changing aux guns to an AAA round much faster: 2,4,1 (then hit escape, toggle dual fire and hit esc again ;)
This list is only what comes to mind right now, I’d be very interested if anyone else has gun grouping and dual shooting errors for other vessels so I can submit bugs.
Af-D1 - The 37mm should be the auxiliary, it’s a pretty useless gun so it may as well be aux so we can fire it along with the 88s, leaving the 20mms in AA. It looses ammo choice on the 20mms but MBK-161 is like that too.
This brings things in line with destroyers with much smaller secondary guns, it a bit silly but it’s better IMO.
MBK-161 - 45mms should fire along with the 76mms, they’re often just shooting at planes which is silly.
MBK Pr.186 - Same as the 161, with dual shooting a toggle we could fire the 76mm and the 37mms at the same time
K.d.G - 37 mm should dual shoot with the 88
BMO - despite the slow rotation of the 45mm it should dual fire with the 37 else it’s another inappropriate AA most of the time.
Chikugo - Those rockets look interesting, lets give Japan a OP boat like the SKR-7 :) Giving each nation one ridiculous boat would be another way to balance things (perhaps not really but it’d be interesting)