Bmp2-md double standard

I’m very happy they finally added the BMP2-MD, it’s something I’ve basically been begging for over the course of a year. However I have a few complaints, which I hope are addressed in some way.

Firstly, it’s a damn squadron vehicle, which disappoints me massively. I think there’s been too many added as of late, and considering how much Finland uses the BMP it really should be a standard tech tree vehicle, or in the very least have it as both tech tree and squadron. There’s countless other options for other squadron vehicles in the Swedish tech tree so I really don’t see the point of the BMP2 being one other than for more money.

On top of this it’s lacking APFSDS (which it does have since it’s currently in service), and since it has no missile it’s entirely inferior to the soviet version asides thermals, therefore I believe it needs APFSDS to remain at 8.7 or be moved to 8.3 since it lacks capability.

As a last point I hope they add the GDR’s BMP2 and T55’s soon.


In no moment a BMP-2 needs APFSDS to be played at 8.7, the Soviet BMP-2 has access only to APDS-T rounds, it’s a good ammunition, all you want is some special threatment to Sweden, you can argument that it doesn’t have ATGM, I agree, and I can say, BMP-2 can still performs good without the use of ATGM.

The firerate on the 30 mm auto cannon makes the ATGM almost something that you can forget because it’s only has good purpose at medium to short ranges, where the auto cannon shines, and again, making the ATGM a optional thing, and more a vulnerability when you’re in cover but the ATGM is exposed.

  1. Is there any proof of Finland having and firing APFSDS from it?

  2. There is no way that thing will be 8.7 with APFSDS.


May have found some inkling and a document in Czech that states that they purchased license produced Czech BMP-2 guns and ammunition not specifically APFSDS though but im going to keep looking

Which would move it up higher than 8.7


Thats not a problem tbh, id just like it to be accurate

Ik that reply was for him but still

If I’m not mistaken, brand new 2A42 guns were purchased from a Slovakian company, ZTS Specials AS.

Considering the upgradea were carried out during 2017-2021, it seems reasonable the ammunition selection would have been expanded to modern APFSDS at the same point, but that’s just speculation (unless someone has a source for it).

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According to the gun manufacturers website, the gun is capable of firing APFSDS-T, however the question remains whether this type of shells is used by the Finnish military.

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Which keeps its BR from being 9.7 even if it could, and at that point there’s no reason to get it cause CV9030.
There is no double standard.


Yes youre right I typed Czech instead of Slovak

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i second this fully

In case you have not noticed, Soviet players are crying because that thermal is a lot more useful than ATGM, now that ATGMs have been significantly nerfed and are basically useless in both long range and close combat.

after the ATGM nerf, I’d say that BMP-2’s ATGM is useless anyway.

Hopefully someone can find something on Finlands service ammunition in the 2MD I tried for about 2 hours and couldnt find anything but the same basic regurgitated media information over and over, I did find that they supposedly have new Tungsten APDS-T but thats it

Seeing that the cv 90 30 is 9.3, the bmp is not going to stay at 8.7 if it gets the apfsds


cv9030 should be much lower than 9.3 anyway its overtiered

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Saying that an ATGM is worth nothing seems bonkers to me. It’s one less tool in you kit, and there absolutely will be situations where an ATGM will kill an enemy where the autocannon can not.

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As far as I am aware, 2A42 (yes even the BMP-2M) is not compatible with APFSDS (technically compatible because the cartrige fits but after firing tests its dispersion and faults were too high), only 2A72

Dispersion of the 3УБР8 fired from the 2A42 (over 1 meter of dispersion at 100m distance)

Also, the sabot petals hit the muzzle brake when firing

“When trying to assess the possibility of using cartridge with the ZUBR8 “Kerner” armor-piercing sub-caliber projectile in the 2A42 cannon […] there is a large scatter of projectiles (1 m or more at a distance of 100 m), which does not allow targeted shooting at enemy weapons and military equipment […] pring holding the plastic ballistic tip of the projectile, which, when the projectile leaves the barrel due to centrifugal forces, opens and clings to the muzzle brake partitions of the 2A42 gun”

Nope, Finnish bmp2’s got only APDS not darts.
But it got thermal upgrade, and also camonetting to help against thermal image. ( truly hope that net comes with that.)
And it’s 10cm wider vs basic 2.

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