BMP-1U: The Omni-Hunter

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Lesser_Coat_of_Arms_of_Ukraine2_svg.png. BMP-1U: The Omni-Hunter


The most recent model, the BMP-1UMD featuring the Stylet combat module on display during the Weapons and Defense - 2016 exhibition.


The BMP-1UM featuring multiple improvements over the BMP-1U while utilizing the upgraded ‘Shkval-A’ combat module, designed for export.


The standard BMP-1U featuring the Shkval module in service with Ukraine.

  • Basic Description :
    • The BMP-1U, also known as the BMP-1M, is a modernized version of the BMP-1. The modernization of the BMP-1 began in the late 1990’s by Ukraine’s Scientific and Technical Center of Artillery and Rifle Weapons in order to upgrade the Ukrainian Army’s vast fleet of BMP-1’s. This solution incorporates a feature that is not really known at the time of its introduction in 2001, an unmanned turret. The BMP-1U utilizes the KBA-105 ‘Shkval’ combat module, a turret equipped with the Ukrainian made version of the Soviet 2A72 autocannon, known as the ZTM-1. This autocannon is housed in the turret, equipped with dual-axis stabilization equipment alongside an electro-optical sight with integrated laser rangefinder, IR searchlight, the KBA-117 Automatic Grenade Launcher, a version of the AG-17, a dual ATGM launcher which can fire 9M113 Konkurs anti-tank guided missiles, 6x 81mm smoke grenade launchers, and a coaxial KT-7.62mm machine gun. The combat module is controlled by the Gunner through the Tandem-2 Fire Control System which allows the gunner to operate the main weapons below the turret, increasing overall survivability. The Gunner can lock on targets utilizing the Tandem-2’s Electro-optical Sight, which is equipped with a 1st-generation thermal imager and laser rangefinder for either day or night operations. The BMP-1U, with the standard KBA-105 ‘Shkval’ Combat Module is in service with Ukraine, Georgia, Turkmenistan, and Chad. The BMP-1U has saw active combat with with least one BMP-1U with the KBA-105TB ‘Shkval-A’ combat module was seen captured in Eastern Ukraine. The BMP-1U has seen combat in other conflicts as well such as in Chad, and Georgia.
    • In the early to mid-2010’s the Zhytomyr Armored Plant provided an upgrade to the Shkval Combat module, dubbed the KBA-105TB ‘Shkval-A’. This module still utilizes the Tandem-2 Fire Control System which features access to the same weaponry, however, this system is modernized by increases reaction time, new displays and equipment, incorporating a modern Barrier-212 complex, a dual missile launcher that allows better integration of the RK-2S anti-tank guided missiles while still capable of firing the 9M113 Konkurs missiles, replacement of the Electro-optical sight system with a modernized one featuring the Polish KLW-1 Asteria 3rd-generation thermal camera, laser rangefinder, and more. The IR Searchlight integrated on the combat module has been removed with the only one now located above the Commander’s Station, behind the Driver. The upgraded ‘Shkval-A’ has been integrated on the BMP-1U, BMP-1UM, and BTR-3E post-2015. The ‘Shkval-A’ integrated on the BMP-1U has seen combat in Eastern Ukraine.
    • In the mid-2010’s another variant of the BMP-1U was developed. This variant featured major upgrades over the standard BMP-1U such as a new engine, the 3TD-2 Diesel Engine with 400hp, a raised crew compartment for improved comfort, Nizh (or Nozh) ERA blocks to protect from HEAT-shaped charges as well as APFSDS-T rounds, removal of the Fuel Tank rear doors to limit crew from explosive risk, and many other ergonomic upgrades. This vehicle would be designated the BMP-1UM. The BMP-1UM has equipped two different modules, the KBA-105TB ‘Shkval-A’ and the Stilet, or known as the Stiletto, or Stylet Combat Modules. The Stilet Combat Module is an upgraded Kastet Combat Module that features the Ukrainian made version of the Soviet 2A42 autocannon known as the ZTM-2. The Stilet is equipped with the same electro-optical system of the ‘Shklval-A’ with the KLW-1 Thermal Camera, integrated laser rangefinder, the KBA-117 Automatic Grenade Launcher, Barrier-212 complex with RK-2 ATGM compatibility, 6x 81mm smoke grenade launchers, and a coaxial KT-7.62mm machine gun. The Stilet Combat Module features an upgraded Fire Control System of the Kastet Combat Module, with even faster reaction time, as well as improved integration of electronics. The Stilet Combat Module has improved armor which allows for higher survivability and reliability over the KBA-105 ‘Shkval’ and KBA-105TB ‘Shkval-A’ Combat Modules. The BMP-1UM is primarily focused on export, offering many country’s with financial constraints to upgrade their Infantry Fighting Vehicle’s with modern technology without having to purchase the expensive Western-versions.
    • The BMP-1UMD is the most recent model of BMP-1U. First displayed in 2016, the BMP-1UMD introduces the Stilet combat module to the BMP-1U platform. The Stilet Combat Module features the same capabilities as described in the BMP-1UM description. The chassis of the BMP-1UMD is the same as the BMP-1U, however the BMP-1UMD received a new engine, the German 330hp Deutz TCD2013 L64V Diesel Engine for increase reliability and power for all critical electrical equipment. The BMP-1UMD also features additional passive/anti-thermal armor across the sides of the vehicle to improve protection against 12.7mm machine gun fire as well as reduce overall thermal signature. This version has not been adopted within the Ukrainian Army as of now but could be in the future.
    • In terms of ammunition, the ZTM-1 (2A72) and ZTM-2 (2A42) utilize the 30x165 cartridge which allows both cannons to use the same ammunition. The Precision Mechanic Plant in Western Ukraine launched serial-production of Soviet 30x165 ammunition including the 3UBR8 Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot round with Tracer (APDS-T) round, 3UBR6 Armor Piercing round with Tracer (AP-T) round, 3UOR6 High-Explosive Incendiary Fragmentation round with Tracer (F-T) and the 3UOF8 High Explosive Incendiary round (HEF-I).
  • Specifications:
    • Role: Infantry Fighting Vehicle
    • Origin/Manufacturer:
      • Ukraine - Zhytomyr Armored Plant/UkrOboronProm
    • Combat Modules:
      • Note: There are three different Combat Modules listed, the KBA-105 ‘Shkval’, the KBA-105TB ‘Shkval-A’ and the Stylet.
        • KBA-105 ‘Shkval’ Combat Module (Pre-2015)
          • Primary: ZTM-1(2A72) 30mm Autocannon
            • Cartridge: 30x165
            • Ammunition:
              • 3UBR8 APDS-T (BP)
              • 3UBR6 AP-T (BT)
              • 3UOR6 HEF-I (OFZ)
              • 3UOF8 F-T (OT)
            • Feed System:
              • Dual-belt Fed
          • Coaxial: KT-7.62mm Machine Gun
          • Roof-Mounted: KBA-117 30mm Grenade Launcher
          • Tertiary: Dual Barrier ATGM Launcher (2 ready, 2 stored)
            • Missile:
              • 9M113 Konkurs:
                • Warhead: HEAT
                • Caliber: 135mm
                • Range: out to 4km
                • Penetration: at least 500mm of RHA.
                • Guidance: Wire-guided/SALCOS
              • 9M113M Konkurs-M:
                • Warhead: Tandem-HEAT
                • Caliber: 135mm
                • Range: out to 4km
                • Penetration: at least 750mm of RHA behind ERA.
                • Guidance: Wire-guided/SALCOS
          • Equipment/Optics:
            • Gunner Optic: Tandem-2 Electro-Optical Sight
              • 1st-generation Thermal Camera
            • Fire Control System:
              • Tandem-2
            • Integrated IR Searchlight
            • Laser Rangefinder
            • 6x 81mm Smoke Grenade Launchers
            • Armor:
              • Varied against 7.62mm/12.7mm caliber rounds.
            • Vehicle(s) applied to:
              • BMP-1U
        • KBA-105TB ‘Shkval-A’ Combat Module (Post-2015)
          • Primary: ZTM-1(2A72) 30mm Autocannon
            • Cartridge: 30x165
            • Ammunition:
              • APDS-T (BP)
              • AP-T (BT)
              • HEF-I (OFZ)
              • F-T (OT)
            • Feed System:
              • Dual-belt Fed
          • Coaxial: KT-7.62mm Machine Gun
          • Roof-Mounted: KBA-117 30mm Grenade Launcher
          • Tertiary: Dual Barrier ATGM Launcher (2 ready, 2 stored)
            • Missile:
              • RK-2S:
                • Warhead: Tandem-HEAT
                • Caliber: 130mm
                • Range: out to 5km
                • Penetration: at least 800mm of RHA behind ERA.
                • Guidance: Semi-Active Laser
              • RK-2OF:
                • Warhead: HE-FRAG
                • Caliber: 130mm
                • Range: out to 5km
                • Penetration: at least 60mm of RHA.
                • Guidance: Semi-Active Laser
            • Note: The KBA-105TB ‘Shkval-A’ can equipped the 9K113-variants of missiles as well.
          • Equipment/Optics:
            • Gunner Optic: Tandem-2 Optical Sight (OTS-20.04-01)
              • KLW-1 Asteria 3rd-generation Thermal Camera
            • Fire Control System:
              • Tandem-2
            • IR Searchlight
              • Location has been moved from Combat Module to above the Commander’s Station.
            • Laser Rangefinder
            • 6x 81mm Smoke Grenade Launchers
            • Armor:
              • Varied against 7.62mm/12.7mm caliber rounds.
            • Vehicle(s) applied to:
              • BMP-1U
              • BMP-1UM
        • Stylet Combat Module
          • Primary: ZTM-2(2A42) 30mm Autocannon
            • Cartridge: 30x165
            • Ammunition:
              • APDS-T (BP)
              • AP-T (BT)
              • HEF-I (OFZ)
              • F-T (OT)
            • Feed System:
              • Dual-belt Fed
          • Coaxial: KT-7.62mm Machine Gun
          • Roof-Mounted: KBA-117 30mm Grenade Launcher
          • Tertiary: Dual Barrier ATGM Launcher (2 ready, 2 stored)
            • Missile:
              • RK-2S:
                • Warhead: Tandem-HEAT
                • Caliber: 130mm
                • Range: out to 5km
                • Penetration: at least 800mm of RHA behind ERA.
                • Guidance: Semi-Active Laser
              • RK-2OF:
                • Warhead: HE-FRAG
                • Caliber: 130mm
                • Range: out to 5km
                • Penetration: at least 60mm of RHA.
                • Guidance: Semi-Active Laser
          • Equipment/Optics:
            • Gunner Optic: Track-M Optical Sight (Track-2-01)
              • KLW-1 Asteria 3rd-generation Thermal Camera
            • Laser Rangefinder
            • 6x 81mm Smoke Grenade Launchers
            • Armor:
              • Protection against 12.7mm caliber rounds.
            • Vehicle(s) applied to:
              • BMP-1UM
              • BMP-1UMD
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 6.735m
    • Width: 2.850m
    • Height: 2.450m
    • Weight: ~13-15t
  • Mobility :
    • Max Speed:
      • BMP-1U: 65km/h (7km/h on water)
      • BMP-1UM/UMD: 65km/h (8km/h on water)
    • Transmission: Manual (5-Forward, 1-Reverse)
    • Suspension: Torsion Bar
    • Engine:
      • BMP-1U: 300hp - UTD-20 6-cylinder Diesel Engine
      • BMP-1UM: 400hp - 3TD-2 Diesel Engine
      • BMP-1UMD: 330hp - Deutz TCD2013 L64V Diesel Engine
  • Crew:
    • Commander
    • Gunner
    • Driver
  • Additional Features:
    • ESS
    • Amphibious
    • Unmanned Turret
    • Armor:
      • BMP-1U: Same layout as standard BMP-1.
      • BMP-1UM: Same layout as standard BMP-1, can be equipped with Nizh ERA.
      • BMP-1UMD: Same layout as standard BMP-1, can be equipped with anti-thermal spaced/passive armor.
    • Other Optics:
      • Commander: TKN-3B
        • Night Vision Periscope
      • Driver: TVNO-2
        • Night Vision Periscope
  • In-game :
    • The BMP-1U is a unique series of BMP-1 that feature an unmanned turret and capabilities of engaging multiple targets whether they be low flying aircraft, light vehicles, and even MBT thanks to its Konkurs or Barrier ATGM’s. These unique variants have their own role in the game:
      • The BMP-1U is the baseline of the BMP-1U variants. This vehicle features the powerful ZTM-1 30mm Autocannon that can fire at a rapid 330rds/min that can make quick work of low flying aircraft, light vehicles, or sides/modules of tanks it comes across with. One major drawback of the ZTM-1 is the high rate of fire can chew through ammunition, putting the vehicle at risk against heavy armor. However, this can be made up with using the Konkurs/Konkurs-M ATGM’s which can punch a hole through most vehicles the BMP-1U comes across. Other weapons are the 30mm KBA-117 Grenade Launcher and KT-7.62mm machine gun which can destroy obstacles and exposed hostile crews. The BMP-1U also is equipped with 1st-generation thermal imagers for night operations. One advantage this vehicle has is it remains amphibious which can be used to flank or surprise targets on a limited number of maps. A possible Tier IV upgrade could be the ‘Shkval-A’ Combat Module which would provide the BMP-1U 3rd-generation thermal imagers, and access to the Barrier-212 missile system which uses the RK-2-series missiles which have a Tandem-HEAT charge warhead or HE-FRAG warhead providing different options for the combat environment.
      • The BMP-1UM is where things get interesting. The BMP-1UM features enhanced armor over the BMP-1U with the addition of Nizh ERA which has similar, if not better protection to the Kontact-5 ERA which can withstand some modern APFSDS-T rounds from top ranked main battle tanks. Not to mention, even with the additional armor and expanded passenger cabin, it remains amphibious. In terms of firepower, the BMP-1UM can equip the modern ‘Shkval-A’ module which has solid capabilities or the Stilet module which features the ZTM-2 autocannon of the BMP-2 used in-game. This module has access to the same capabilities of the ‘Shkval-A’ however has access to APDS-T rounds which can be very effective of knocking out modules and side armor of main battle tanks. Not including all the other features of this module like the ATGM’s, coaxial machine gun, and 30mm grenade launcher. The BMP-1UM also utilizes a 400hp Diesel Engine offering the best acceleration and maneuverability out of all BMP-1U variants.
      • Lastly is the BMP-1UMD which is the middle ground between the BMP-1U and BMP-1UM, sharing a mix of capabilities such as the hull of the BMP-1U while equipping the Stilet combat module. It also is equipped with a 330hp Diesel Engine which provides the vehicle enhanced maneuverability and retains its amphibious capabilities.
      • Overall, the BMP-1U variants are a significant improvement over the base BMP-1 and can be a valuable addition to War Thunder.
    • Estimated Battle Rating:
      • BMP-1U: 8.3
      • BMP-1UM: 9.0/9.3 (‘Shkval-A’/Stilet)
      • BMP-1UMD: 8.7
  • Sources:
    2. БМП-1М Тандем — Державне підприємство "Житомирський бронетанковий завод"
    3. БМП-1УМД з німецьким "серцем" від Deutz. Публічна прем‘єра на виставці "Зброя та безпека" - Укроборонпром
    4. Украинские БМП получат новый боевой модуль "Шквал". Видео: Авто новини від AUTO-Consulting - БМП
    5. Ground Forces Equipment - Ukraine
    6. DEUTZ TCD 2013 Series Diesel Engine - Specifications
    7. Бойова машина піхоти БМП-1УМ — Державне підприємство "Житомирський бронетанковий завод"
    9. SE SFTF "Ukroboronexport"
    10. Glavcom: Ukrainian combat modules
    11. & Gear/Shkval/a002130
    12. Ukrainian Defense Review #2 [April-June 2016] by Defense Express - Issuu
    16. KLW-1 ASTERIA thermal camera - PCO S.A.
    20. 9K113 Konkurs |
    21. is a high-explosive,670M nose fuze is used.
  • Imagery:


Side view of the BMP-1U Shkval on parade.


Aerial view of the BMP-1U Shkval during a parade.

640px-BMP-1U.JPG 640px-BMP-1U_zoom.JPG

More views of the BMP-1U during the parade.


BMP-1U on display with parade colors.


Another view of the BMP-1U on display.


A BMP-1U during a military ceremony.


Top view of the BMP-1U with the early ‘Shkval’ combat module.


Turkmen Army BMP-1U.


BMP-1U’s of the Chadian Army.



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Images of the BMP-1UM featuring lifted rear cabin, and Kontact-1 ERA mounted above waterline, can be equipped with Stylet or Shkval module.


Information on the BMP-1UM.


A BMP-1UM featuring Ukrainian Army camouflage.


Specifications of the BMP-1UM. Note: This BMP-1UM is equipped with the Stilet Combat Module.


Nizh ERA demonstration slide.


Nozh ERA.



BMP-1UMD during live demonstration.





Closeup views of the Stylet Combat Module.

Combat Modules

KBA-105 ‘Shkval’


The original KBA-105 ‘Shkval’ Combat Module. Note: The grenade launcher is capped on the right side of the turret, mounted IR searchlight, and different electro-optical sight.


The different equipment associated with the standard ‘Shkval’ combat module featuring early-thermal capable technology.


KBA-117 30mm Grenade Launcher Mount.


Another image showing the location of the 30mm Grenade Launcher.


An original KBA-105 ‘Shkval’ Combat module data sheet,


Layout of the KBA-105 ‘Shkval’ combat module.


Layout of the KBA-105 ‘Shkval’ Module integrated on the BMP-1U showing different placements of equipment.

KBA-105TB ‘Shkval-A’


Upgraded KBA-105TB Shkval-A Module.


Description of the updated Shkval-A module.


Optical equipment for the upgraded ‘Shkval-A’ Combat module.



The Stilet Combat Module on display.



The Stilet on display during an Arms and Security exposition.



Display of all modules.


Data Sheet for multiple Combat Modules.



Brochure with the different Combat Modules.


+1 absolutely for Ukr indie TT

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