Can i ask why.
On eastern Europe the bridges are all blown except two on arcade gameplay BUT realistic they are all still standing why is that?
you cant have one thing for one gameplay and something else for another
Just more map improvements from Gaijin. /s
totally unfair alterations arcade get tunnel map design and RB get the normal map ,talk about favouritism
They just need to do a better job overall on map design for ground combat in all modes. I give them credit as the maps are beautiful and the revamped abandoned factory looks great but they are way too small for high tier vehicles. Attica looks great but its a choke point maven which is great for CAS flyboys. Need to add additional routes to access cp’s in Attica.
I’d actually like to see them expand some of the current maps already in the game. Most of the work is already done so I’d think they could offer some updated maps that actually expand the maps instead of filling them with red zones. Offer maps that can cater to various play styles in a single map. Offer up some of the larger maps to the lower tier vehicles. Include AI targets in larger maps like Red Desert to keep players engaged.
WT has so much untapped potential that’ll keep the game going for another decade. New vehicles are great but this game, imo, requires new modes and better maps for those who enjoy specific combat whether it’s ground, air or sea.