Birthday Hanger

Short post here.

I’ve found the guy to walk around the Air and Ground hanger, does anyone know where the giy is to walk around the pier in the naval port?

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There might not be one. There are however roads so you can walk between the hangars and pier.

Yep, took my ground hanger guy down to the pier (luckily I figured out you could press shift to sprint, or it would’ve taken ages).


Just kinda a shame you can’t actually board the ships and most offroad areas are redzones (probably to save modelling costs).

how do you leave the zone? when i try to leave i get a GET BACK TO THE BATTLEZONE and it kicks me out

No wonder I was having issues not sprinting, I have shift bound to zoom.

Also, how can you enter the out of bounds area?

How do I exit on console? I’m stuck!

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The only way I’ve found is to leave the bounds of the area it lets you walk around, then it will boot you back to normal view

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Well that’s lame. Thanks anyway though.

This is wholesome, I like how they actually play along with the community lol

Have anyone else found the Russian Bias box or tag?

You can run down the road. If you go too far off the sides of the road you’ll get the kick message, but stick to the road and you’ll be fine. (You can go a little bit in to the bushes and pretend you’re back in Skyrim)

Not sure what is going on here:


(Also, what is going on with his walking backwards…)

How do you do that!

I mostly play on cocnsel is it there?

Yes its on consol too, theres a guy you can press in the Air and Ground hanger to control. Just put the cursor on him and press the X or A button depending on the consol.

where is this guy? I am on Xbox

Im on PS5 so I’m not 100% sure if its the same for everyone but he should be standing in the back ground.