Big maps or small maps, what do the players like (Map Survey Part 1)

I want to poll the players to see which size of maps they enjoy, I feel like the community is rather split on this topic.

  • Big maps
  • Small maps
  • Both sizes
0 voters

If you want to give your opinion on your answer I much appreciate it, but keep it civil.

(in 7 days I will review this poll, then make part 2 for map features and design)


Map size is a bit of a useless measure.

More interesting is: Linear map vs map with multiple frontlines/approaches/options for flanking and urban vs rural/wilderness.

I prefer maps that are rural with lots of frontlines with reasonable sight lines that rely more on positioning and teamwork over whoever has twitchier corner peeking reflexes and bat mutations.


In part 2 I will ask about features like these

It’s worth noting that I only really advocate for large maps above, say, 9.3-9.7 BR - I have no real desire to engage Tigers in a Sherman from 1.5km, but top tier should be played on large maps exclusively to reduce spawnrushing, clustering for CAS, and make use of the dynamic movement capabilities available to high tier vehicles.

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Big or small, open or urban, the best maps are the ones with special spots that are both hard to reach and known by few people IMO

Also a feature I will come back to in part 2

Big is for engagement range and engine sound, not for long range camping, nor for emptyness, nor have anything to do with urban or not. This is the most ignored/ misunderstood thing.

Would like to see part 2 asap That would be a brand new type of map thread!

And another long lasting 2-choice version poll on the same topic here

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That poll is too simplified, and no one is actually able to define a small or large map.

Players aren’t even able to accurately describe what they don’t like, outside of complaining about every change despite many being good.

so for example I don’t like taking 1 point and flying (tanks, planes) on some maps I think that the players will be more interested in destroying ground targets than taking some airport that has no head or tail and it discourages a lot of players from playing. for tanks there are some maps that have a capture point near some bases and the other team has to drive to it, and there are also some maps that are not balanced (tanks) I noticed that and maybe most players who play tanks on BR 1.0 to 2.7. I don’t know how it is with other maps.

so I would like to see more large maps added to the game (city with different weather and also forested maps) for all battles

I will go more into the detail on the next parts, things like features, terrain, historical/fictional etc

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I’m going to be honest, I dislike almost every map in the game. And i don’t say that in some edgy way. I love the game. I just think the maps are the worst part of it. Some are simply more tolerable to me than others, with enough ‘big’ and ‘small’ maps being bad to me that i can’t even state a preference solely on size.


I can’t say im a big fan of the current rotation either, especially for the higher ranks. Hence why I want to see what the players like/dislike and make suggestions


Also, depends on BR range. Personally, maps should increase in size the higher the BR. Basically, Smaller maps in lower BRs where large maps is the rotation. Large maps at high BR with smaller maps being the roation.

But the whole thing about multiple approaches and sight lines is a major +++ for me. The linear and map restriction has been soul crushing for me.

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Ofcourse different designs are needed for different ranks, hence why I dont like to fight on small WW2 era maps with modern vehicles

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I will make part 2 a bit earlier, probably tomorrow