BI at 6.7 is April Fools event,. only it's going 24/7 for the last few years

I killed BI recently by baiting him into diving after my AD-2, it took a long set up ans was purely based on providing a super juicy target. I survived because I dodged just in time, he missed 450m shot, followed for 2 more seconds and got fast and close to earth enough to spike into the surface.
In other words - to kill a 6.7 plane in a very good 7.0 plane I needed a ton of luck, sacrificed all my alt and position (the whole dive was my backup plan once my attack was reversed effortlessly) and still did not get the kill.
The same guy died because of my action in another game, after crippling my plane (I made him chase me for long enough for 4 friendlies to arrive and spray him with all they had). But it was literally his own fault he died these 2 times, as once he played it less stupidly, he killed me after chasing me across the map, then killed 2 out of 3 planes that were attacking him, then just flew back to base, ending the game with 4 or 5 kills total.
He wasn’t even good. But I could do nothing. Normally there is no plane I would lose a 2 v 1 against if we start with more energy. But vs BI? No matter how much energy you have, if your plane doesn’t go 800 in a straight line, you’re getting reversed. If it does - you can run away. How fun.


P-59 is damn good.
But it’s not winning vs 2 Ta-152Hs or Yak-3Us. F2G and P-51H outclimb it so badly they can molest it all day long.
It turns excellent, can do high speed reversals and is very fast. But it has horrible acceleration and climb.
Do I like where it sits? I don’t, I actually hate that this plane is even in game, because just like BI, it’s not really much fun to fight against.
And as an owner - I don’t even like flying it, because I usually have to face swarms od enemies due to my bad climb, and the guns are kinds horrible the day and age of single Type 99 Mk2 HE shell killing planes.

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🤦‍♂️ Dude, I clearly said it must be a NATO variant… I thought you understood what I was trying to say… It has to have the rocket engine like the BI… And the P-59 doesn’t have the rocket engine.

Raw climb rate may be superior on props, but no prop can compete against any jet in a shallow climb. It takes one single bait dive for a prop to get completely energy trapped, and with the maneuverability of the P-59 it’s an easy wrap.
In the case of the P-59, at the very least, the props can choose to have a stalemate, unlike fighting the BI, but the P-59 still belongs to 6.7 with the rest of the early jets.

Functionally serves the same role. Heavily undertiered plane on the other side.

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P-51H will not shallow climb you. He’ll 350 IAS outclimb you, and also be faster if needed. And he’ll also outgun you heavily.
My point is, do a 2 v 1 against a P-59A and you can drain his balls off energy. I’ve killed plenty of these using Ta-152H, of course they’ll try to bait you into a dive, it’s similar to foghting XP-55, only XP-55 has more guns :p
But god damn, when I kill a BI it feels like my birthday came early this year (I do NOT recommend coming early in general, though!).

I don’t care where P-59A ends up, as mentally challenged US team will manage to lose the game anyway.


I admire your fighting spirit - but i am not really sure that you are able to find a significant number of players with the same passion level - eager to fight BIs.

I even stopped playing the 6.3 262 (which is untouchable thx to airspawn like the 6.7 version) after i scored a direct hit at center mass with 50 mm HE on a landed BI - and he survived. It looked like that i hit him exactly at this 1-2 second window between finishing repair and respawn; amazing…

Fully agree - they guy which survived my 50 mm center mass shot took off and managed to get 4 km behind and above me - even as i started my strafing run with 950+; the can’t catch you but that’s all…

This looks like a comprehensible & the most reasonable pov.

I mean the USSR planes in general saw massive downtiers or open buffs like with the ShVak buff without increasing their BRs - but if you look close enough the rest of the late war / post-war USSR planes are objectively seen inferior to contemporary fighters of other nations and can only be flown due to too low BRs, cannon buffs or thx to the low alt game play meta in WT.

They only challenge you have is to get above 6 km and no Yak-3U or Yak-3 VK 107 can catch you - even in a plain P-47 D28/30.

So it looks somehow comprehensible that the devs with USSR roots might feel the need to have at least one totally op aircraft to compensate the absence of real quality in the USSR prop era.

Lmao 😂


Dang, just tested the P-59 again and the top speed isn’t as high as I remembered it. I still expect good performance in a dive. I’ll have to add it to my sustained climb graph to see what’s happening in general.

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A absolute menace in squadron battles

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The funny fact is, just 1 BR lower Soviets have 2 best 6.0 props, Yak-3U and Yak-3VK. I mean, they are 5.7, but fully deserve 6.0 with their 1-shotting armanent, insane energy generation, great low alt speed and good high speed maneuvrability. Yeah, they will rip their wings at high speed, but even when I dumped good part of my speed in Ta-152H to turn with landing flaps in vertical, I got shot by VK before I completed my turn before even with landing flaps my turn rate was not good enough. So Yak-3 VK and U are a goddamn menace. They are similar to Spitfire Mk IX LF, only they are way faster, better armed, retain more energy, don’t overheat, so basically the only advantage Spitfire has is turn rate, but Yak-3U can most likely out-energy it before that turn rate bites it in the tail.

And yet, for whatever reason, 1 BR above both Yak-3s, we have another insane aircraft in the form of BI.
At least Su-11 is no longer absolutely DOMINATING everything, though it’s damn good at 7.3 anyway.


If you throttle down enough, the gasses would have to be going faster than the speed of light in order to achieve the thrust you’re getting.
Soviet engineering:tm:

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Lol, I tried to make another topic about the unfair br of BI after putting a coment on the br discussion main team and katyusha closed it just because my coment on the other thread.


The worst part is, Gaijin is choosing to have an absolute OP clobbering machine at 6.7 so everyone suffers instead of moving it to 7.3 so it’s “kinda OK” so only BI owners “suffer”.
Also look how broken it is, yet 0 effort is made to fix magical thrust to fuel consumption. Gaijin just wants us to suffer.


Ok, Couple reasons since you want to call me out.

  1. This was made before the official thread was made, So I have no reason to close this currently.

  2. We don’t usually allow multiple topics on the same subject.

If you have an issue you can take it up with a senior mod.

Loooooooooool, so “go and coment where there are +1,700 replies, but you cant make a new topic” hahahahahaha

Because that’s where CM’s specifically asked for feedback and will go through it, If you don’t want to voice your opinion properly and get your thread locked then go for it.

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I need to get mine out of the hangar and start using those free repairs…🚀

Looooool, so “everything else that you post anywhere but here is no valid” hahahahaha ok, I get it.

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Bro, look at this, 2 smurf accounts only to use the BI at squad battles in the training squad of bofss.
In squad battles (with no possible uptier) that thing is unstoppable.

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It absolutely dominates 6.7 srb air. But don’t bring air against Bi’s and they’re nought but useless.

Also, I doubt buffs is the only team using them, if there is an advantage to be had, anyone with some form of brainpower will take it.

seems to me your a bit sore loosing to them.

Lol, if you don´t bring planes at that br there´s gonna be 2 2,500kg bombs in your team from a Ju288.

Bro, be real, you´re from Bufss.