BI at 6.7 is April Fools event,. only it's going 24/7 for the last few years

Seriously, why is that thing 6.7.
No other plane at 6.7 or even 7.3 has ANY chance in hell of ever taking it down. The best one can do is stay entire match at 700+km/h. If you ever get caught - you’re dead. You try to follow him? You’re dead.
It has fuel for ages due to magical engine efficiency.
Cannons are good enough to 1-click people out of existence.
It turns WAY better than a Zero.
Perfectly balanced.
There’s literally no counter to this plane other than “have 3-4 disciplined teammates with high velocity guns constantly forcing head-ons”. But it’s not a viable tactic, it’s not an offensive tactic. It’s just a tactic to survive mid-late game against lone BI.


such a rare plane that theres not going to be enough data for it to go up in BR

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I can provide all data necessary. Gaijin employees can fly any 6.3-6.7 planes 4 v 1 against me in BI to see how fun this game is against BI.
To give them more even chances I will not sleep for 36 hours and drink 2 beers before we start.


It might work with 36 beers and 2 hours of sleep too,


Ain’t it got like 90 seconds of fuel


Yes but if you drop down to 25% thrust fuel consumption drops around 16-20 times for whatever reason and with 25% thrust you can cruise at over 700. Also once you get to 50% of the fuel or less, these 25% of thrust give you pretty damn good climb too. In other words, if you manage your fuel, you can last entire game and still have a lot of fuel to spare. Of course that’s pointless but it shows the magic.


If you want to kill yourself, yeah it does.

I always pray the BI player is braindead. Dragged one yesterday to my AF AA to get him Rolanded.

Did the BI have variable thrust IRL? If not, we really need to bug report that.
Edit: “Capable of throttling between 400 kg and 1,100kg”. Wonder what that means exactly. Buran Energiya : B. Vis, B Hendrickx : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


For these rockets it’s either on or off. Same goes for the Komet too. They could implement them as boosters (like the JATO on A-4s, and the Me 262 C-1 booster), but i can see how it would be problematic to implement it like that.

That’s just not true. The Me-163 at least was fully throttleable between 1kN and 19.6kN and could even be stopped and restarted in flight. Though doing so was dangerous and risked exploding, additionally, damage to the fuel tanks could cause the aircraft to explode so fuel was typically expanded before combat

It’s easy to implement with the current throttle system in the game. For the BI-1, between 0% and 36% throttle nothing will be output, between 36% and 99% 400 kgf will be output, and at 100% 1100 kgf will be output.
36% comes from the fact that 400 is 36% of 1100, roughly.

I believe it’s saying throttling between 400 and 1100, meaning any amount between those two. Similar to a more conventional engine, the speed of the fuel and oxidizer pumps can be varied to increase thrust/power. The minimum amount of thrust produced at minimum throttle to still get the mixing required for proper combustion would be 400kgf and the maximum thrust at maximum fuel consumption would be 1100.

The bigger problem is the fuel efficiency. Which is absurdly unrealistic, unless you can indeed produce 25% of the thrust with 16 times lower fuel output with early 1940’s tech


I regret not taking that one physics course that had rocket engine stuff in it, I’d make a nice looking fuel consumption graph by now. Maybe someone else with the background could chime in on this topic. I imagine it wouldn’t be too hard to figure this out.

Me-163 just got nerfed hard.
Brezhnieviak is as unkillable as ever at 6.7


Me when I read the patch notes

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Yup, 25% throttle - 20 times slower fuel consumption. Soviet space magic. Even at 50% it already consumes fuel 5 times slower.
At 40% throttle it sustained-turns at 460 km/h IAS basically blacking pilot out. And it can do so for like 12 minutes at these settings, and the less fuel it has, the less throttle it needs to sustain the same turn rate or it can just climb while pulling as hard as pilot wants(I mean, at 1:30 fuel and at 40% throttle it’s already laughing in the face of any plane trying to dogfight it).

There’s one simple truth to playing games around 6.7 - if enemy has BI on their team and pilot is not braindead, match is impossible to win. Simple as this.


Yeap. I once met a squad of 2 BIs. That’s just degen. Immediately nope’d out of the battle.


The new problem is that they can just add those similar changes to the BI and leave it at 6.7 where it shouldn´t be neither.


Oh Gaijin, please lower the BR of the Me 163 B-0 to 7.0. It was already very unpleasant to play, and now it’s hard to even kill a Mig 15 with the Me 163.

But the Me 163 B-0 meets the F-104 and Mig 21S eugh


Too low.

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