If you throttle down enough, the gasses would have to be going faster than the speed of light in order to achieve the thrust you’re getting.
Soviet engineering:tm:
Lol, I tried to make another topic about the unfair br of BI after putting a coment on the br discussion main team and katyusha closed it just because my coment on the other thread.
The worst part is, Gaijin is choosing to have an absolute OP clobbering machine at 6.7 so everyone suffers instead of moving it to 7.3 so it’s “kinda OK” so only BI owners “suffer”.
Also look how broken it is, yet 0 effort is made to fix magical thrust to fuel consumption. Gaijin just wants us to suffer.
Ok, Couple reasons since you want to call me out.
This was made before the official thread was made, So I have no reason to close this currently.
We don’t usually allow multiple topics on the same subject.
If you have an issue you can take it up with a senior mod.
Loooooooooool, so “go and coment where there are +1,700 replies, but you cant make a new topic” hahahahahaha
Because that’s where CM’s specifically asked for feedback and will go through it, If you don’t want to voice your opinion properly and get your thread locked then go for it.
I need to get mine out of the hangar and start using those free repairs…🚀
Looooool, so “everything else that you post anywhere but here is no valid” hahahahaha ok, I get it.
Bro, look at this, 2 smurf accounts only to use the BI at squad battles in the training squad of bofss.
In squad battles (with no possible uptier) that thing is unstoppable.
It absolutely dominates 6.7 srb air. But don’t bring air against Bi’s and they’re nought but useless.
Also, I doubt buffs is the only team using them, if there is an advantage to be had, anyone with some form of brainpower will take it.
seems to me your a bit sore loosing to them.
Lol, if you don´t bring planes at that br there´s gonna be 2 2,500kg bombs in your team from a Ju288.
Bro, be real, you´re from Bufss.
Bring a counter bomber then, or tu-2 or an sb2C. Or have competent AA players.
The BI is ONLY dangerous to other air, granted it is superbly dangerous to those aircraft but it’s useless Vs ground.
Bro, have you ever played squad battles?
When there is a counter bomber like a Tu2 or Sb2c or another ju288 the bomber with a BI as an ally throw bombs (even if doesnt kill anything), turn around and go to the airfield, at this point the BI is already fighting with the enemy bomber.
If both bombers dont attack, the BI just climbs and wait, with that performance it can wait until the bomber or other fighters became an easy target (and do recon for their allies)
And again, if you only use AA, theres gonna be a 2,500kg bomb near them before AA can shoot down the bomber, ooooor, the bomber waits, their fighters arrive and distract/kill the AA.
The BI has no counter at 6.7.
Nah mate, AA can down bombers easily at this B.R. coelian / Wirbel II downs big bombers easily.
Bro, and the enemy team can bring AA too, so not only your planes have to deal with that but with a hecking rocket that run, turn and climb more.
Ok so lets bring 4 AA (it sounds ridiculous, yes, we´ve tried it) enemy bomber can just stay away until fighters or ground units (cuz bombers are spotting) are dealing with them, or ju288 can do a suicide bombing, with that bombs it can easily kill 3 or 4, and if it aim for the tanks, the match ends with 4 AA againts a T34, tiger 2 and Is2.
We all know that Cas win more battles than effective ground units, so why there is a paid option that makes your cas more efective?
Pd: The Ju288 is also a premium lol.
As I’ve stated above, the Bi is obviously superior in the a2a role, I am not arguing against that I am simply saying there are work arounds when facing such.
Intentionally trying to drown out feedback by making it all come from the same source (that devs also don’t read either) is hilarious
As an update to this quote a Profile link to player with a K/D of 25:1 in his BI - met him 3 times now :-)
619 battles, 2.567 kills, 102 deaths, 90% WR.
Edit: Grammar. And to be fair, the first time i met him was my second game i flew in a reserve tier aircraft in the CHN tree. He farmed 7 or 8 noobs with the extremely rare MBR-2 flying boat at 1.0 - with aced auto gunners all you have to do is to fly near biplanes. 219 matches, 1.049 kills, 61 deaths, 90% WR.