Between Japan, Italy and Britain which has better mid to top tier

Ive been playing playing these three nations up to Br 3.3 - 4.7 and enjoy them all almost equally. But right now i kinda want to mainly focus on one to get to mid and top tier . I want to choose the one that would be worth it get to higher BR’s

Japan is best at 9.3/9.7 and 11.3, Britain is best at 7.7 and 10.7, and Italy is best at 9.3 and 12.0.

Britain gets access to stabilizers early on in the tech tree, as well as APDS which means armor is almost never an issue to deal with. Their 10.7 has lots of SPAA as well as 2 great MBTs (Vickets Mk.7, Challenger Mk.3). Their top tier is pretty terrible, though.

Japan gets access to a really good dart for their 105mm guns, and you have the option to play 9.7 as well if you want some good light vehicles. At 11.3 the Type 90 and TKX (P) get DM33 with a 4 second reload, as well as good mobility. You also have a great IR SPAA in the TAN SAM

I would say overall Italy has the best mid to high tier, plenty of meta vehicles as well as unique ones to make the grind interesting.

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If you want unique vehicles to play, go for Italy (8.0 - 10.7), if you want powerful vehicles go for Japan (9.0 to 11.3), if you want some interesting plus tricky vehicles to use, go for Britain (8.0 - 8.3).

Obviously those are my selection, you can find better vehicles that can suit to your choice on lower or higher BRs. If I had the money now and hasn’t grinded the majority of Japan, I would choose it. It’s a short grind for good vehicles, very rewarding at the end of the line.

Now with access to better strike aircraft like the Alpha Jet A, the 9.0 lineup is more stronger, the Type 74 (F) and Type 74 (E) shoots the most powerful shell at its BR and one of the best at its BR range, Type 93 APFSDS shell.

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