Best time for playing Naval RB

Due to freezes on macOS making it hard to play Ground RB, I wanted to try Naval RB till the issue is fixed by Gaijin.
Noticed there are not many player in the lobby, resulting in waiting times of 4 minutes and more. Is there a better time to play naval?

Its weekend so everyone interested in naval is playing Naval EC


Damn! EC needs BR 4.7. Guess I have to wait and grind…

I rather doubt that.


At any rate, it’s generally a good idea to search in all server regions; doing that, I never have wait time issues.

That “Join active battles” setting also helps. But I use it only for top tier naval where games are long.

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Matchmaker is just weird.

I often wait in AirRB queues for 4+ minutes with the “waiting for battle” not really dropping below 30 (and getting up to 58 at times)


Ah right I forgot about that, I always leave it enabled.

This happens to me very often with Israels premium Spitfire.

Depends on the BR you play in, I suppose. Coastal aren’t very popular so the queue time can be quite a while, but Bluewater wait time isn’t too long, especially up in the current toptier at 7.0 (but that’s not the fun tier atm)
Also check the server the game is forcing you into. Sometimes I notice they force me into South Asia server with like 3 other players, disabling that speeds things up a bit.