Begleitpanzer 57 and CV 9030fin, CV9040B, BR compare

Begleit 57 has 57mm gun, CV9030 fin has 30mm gun.
both has stabilizer, laser rangefinder.
both has commander sight, with thermal gunner sight
both has 20hp/ton engine.
57 shell has 137/104/47 mm pen 2.8kg shell wight, 30 shell has 116/98/67 mm pen, 0.1 shell weight.
both are 200+/-20 rpm, they are the same level.
Begleit has HE-VT shell, 9030 has HE-impact belt.
Begleit has TOW missile, 9030 has no-no-no missile.
Begleit has 4-12x sight, 9030 is solid 8x sight.
Why they are at the same BR?
Even compare with CV9040B, only the gun changed, and increased to 9.7 BR.
HE-VT is 0.3 BR, missile is 0.3 BR, Begleitpanzer 57 should be at 10.0 BR at least, not currently funny 9.3 BR.
Or changed CV9030fin to 9.0 or 8.7 and also the rest CV9040 series to BR 9.7 or 10.0.


Begleit has apcbc shell and not apds or apfsds… Volumetric is a pain in the ass at this br… a lot of times… you will shoot side on t72 or t80 and it will non pen… not to mention shell balistics…
And you can only fire tow when you are completely stopped and not on the move… + tow missile is not top mounted… it is on the same level as the gun… + it has no composite armour…


also angled pen is a lot better on apfsds, even apds as opposed to apcbc shell… (It does not depend only on pen on stat card…). Try shooting t64 side from 55 degree angle… apfsds goes through apcbc does not


Do you have gepard? It can pen t64 by the 35mm ap shell with 68 mm flat pen, 28mm angled pen.
57 mm ap shell and 30mm apds shell, they are the shell at the same level.
The shell is not the problem at all.

The damage caused by the 57mm APCBC is definitely better than that of the 30mm AFDS, with a firing rate of 0.3s per round. Even though the APFDS has good 60 ° penetration data, the damage it actually causes at various angles is very limited. I can guarantee that the Begleitpanzer 57 is definitely much better than the 9030, both in terms of maneuverability and firepower. The 9030 should be at 9.0, while the 9040B should be at 9.3


And that is not even all… the amx 30 dca in french tech tree has apds with 110mm pen… and it is not limited to 40 rounds… it has whole belt with 1 apds and 3 other shells