Because of the clouds, the air units are not visually equal to the ground units

Because of the clouds,the air units are not visually equal to the ground units.
What I saw in the air was clouds, and what I saw in the air defense units on the ground was planes. Hope this bug is fixed.

Supplemented with REPLAY links

I don’t think this is a bug to be real, it’s a good solution, and an improvement for the ground players.

Maybe it needs tweaking in some forms, but really, the ground players really do need all the help they can get sometimes.

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Damn, here I was earlier looking for a new stereo…

Ground players are also air players…I don’t think that’s a good solution.
As far as gaming goes I don’t think it’s a good solution, if when you’re in control of the plane, hiding behind a cloud and thinking AA can’t see you, there might be a big surprise waiting for you.
When you take control of AA, find the enemy behind the clouds and play camouflage with you.
So it’s definitely a BUG.

Just because it doesn’t favour you doesn’t mean it’s a bug…

I can see planes from looking up in the sky even with some cloud, but looking back it’s not going to be as easy considering everything is dark on the other side comapred to light on the other side.

This IS a solution to air being such a dominance as it’s literally how it works.

Airborne combat vehicles has been in ‘mixed battle’ from the beginning. It was and will be part of war thunder experience. Some morons might gone a be confused by the renamed to the ground battle, but the base theme is same. This kind of new features interfering the existing structure of the game is not acceptable.

I don’t take it as interference, you’ve just got to get better at it.

Good implementation of weather) Support report about this problem.

Air dominance? Tell that to high tier missile AAs.

What’s that even got to do with this?

On topic, I think the OPs graphics settings are jacked.

it doesn’t favour only me,It’s bad for everyone

I know now, you’re a game developer

I really feel your graphic settings are a factor in this.

wow,perfect explanation

Well, I did say that before…

Well, I won’t reply to you anymore and waste my time; but in order to avoid other people’s misunderstanding, I officially say that this is a BUG and has not been resolved.

You think that, but I think it’s a feature because people were so hooked up on air being OP, that the cloud cover got brought in to make it better for the ground units.

As I said, I think your graphics settings are jank, and are causing you trouble because they are so messed up.