BattlePass tasks way too much grind?

3 months of relentless grind + 2000-2500 GE ($20+ bucks depending where you live in the world)


Let other people do it for you and pick up what you want on the marketplace.

I did the first 3, but the tasks are harder now and have crossed my personal line of work vs reward.

I just get the free reward from normal play.


I am not sure if you got the core message of my post you are referring to.

I simply described my assumptions of gaijins goals of creating BP challenges, and if you add FOMO, those goals are valid for all kind of events.

I am therefore a little bit irritated why you felt the need to quote me and express disagreement with my educated guesses why BP challenges might exist.

From my pov you try answer a Question nobody has asked so far…

Well you wrote it in a way which instigated that EVERY BP mission of EVERY game is designed in that way.
You did not specify that thoise are your guesses of Gaijins or WTs goals for missions.

Sorry for misunderstanding

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Np - i assumed that. Have a good one!


Awesome guys! That is what I miss here a lot. Saying sorry and getting over it. Nice! Both of you. I appreciate that.

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Pick up what you want on the marketplace isn’t quite as straight forward at times though.


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Yeah, but a lot of that stuff is old and rare which bumps the price.

If you get stuff not long after it goes up, it’s mostly around the $40-$50 mark… and remember buying into the Battle-pass costs $20ish, so it’s a pretty cheap deal.

If, and then there’s also a ton for which no coupons exist and you’ll never be able to get, like I wanted to Ro.57 Quadriarma but could only ever be gotten from playing a specific event years ago.

And it doesn’t do anything for new players either, making the game worse and worse to get into.

And which ones are relevant to the battle pass topic?

Quite a few of them.

Comon, just name one for a start.

Here is one:
Oh, it is cheaper than the pass.

What is your point? Bad and common vehicles are cheap at the market? You can easily look up the vehicles if you want, it’s not secret information.


So the only relevant vehicle from your first list was the cheapest one in that list? Hmm.

Also, if we take this vehicle in the context of the discussion here, we should mention that it was available for under 80 GJN for some weeks after the pass was over. Now 1.5 years have passed. So at the moment, it is no longer a vehicle from the pass you ‘just’ skipped.

My point is, that you present data in either the wrong context (expensive vehicles which never were on the battle pass), or you present battle pass vehicles which grew expensive, long after the pass is over.

If you were interested in checking Docs argument, you would have to look at prices that existed a little after a pass vehicle becomes sellable. And if you had done that, you would have found him to be mostly right, with some vehicles being slightly above the zone he mentioned.

Instead you create an elaborate gallery of irrelevance.


Wow, I don’t think I have ever come to a comment section and read something I completely agree and understand! They really are trying far too hard to drain and bleed us. Thank you. I was on the fence with this update, and I am done.

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HA! You think thats bad?! For $30 USD you can get these, most are not gold, most are trash, and none are worth it!

To decide the worth of something, you need to have a metric.

In this case, humor me…
Would you not use the metric of,

  1. How much the tank / Plane is used in combat? (Stats from their site )
  2. Stats of RP/SL vs its copy-pasta tech line brethren?
  3. Its market movement meaning DEMAND?

ITP. Sure?

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Imho it depends on your metric - and have in mind that some other aspects play a role too.

  • If a plane is rather complicated to manage (MEC, playstyle) it gets usually ignored by the masses.
  • Same with demand as the demand relies on the needed purpose
  • Imho thunderskill is no reliable source for anything
  • Some planes have no TT equivalent, and if they have - they keep their rank even if the TT version gets “downranked”

So from a pure pilot perspective (no grind just fun):

The Frech P-51/F-6C is a real offer, imho the best fighter in Air RB at 3.7 and benefits from the mostly inexperienced P-51 C users in US teams which dragged their BR way too low. The plane performs better than the 4.3 P-51 D-5. It kept (like the JP P-51 ) the rank III as a premium (despite the US TT gets downranked) and suffers from the rather very low demand for French props.

The ITP is at 4.0 a real threat flown by an experienced pilot able use the full potential of the plane by taming the nuclear reactor called engine with MEC and is imho the much better plane than the 3.7 I-185. The comparably high top speed and very late power drop (very good alt performance for an USSR plane) in combination with insane accuracy and range of the 37mm compensate for lack of turn…

So it depends…


That’s what good ol’ 2x-5x RP for the first win for each nation did every day. Many days I was playing all 5 nations back then. Now I get stupid 10% booster for one game 2-3 days in a row and just exit the game in disgust. Can you say “income nerf”?