BattlePass tasks way too much grind?

A nation will get you to tier 3 in a few hours. previous event and reward vehicles are often tier 3 or more, free battle pass vehicles you can unlock just logging into the game are usually tier 3 or more. It’s really not hard to get tier 3 in all nations if you actually want it. If you don’t then just skip the mission. You won’t fail the battle pass if you don’t do a mission or 2

Pass description say “8 nations”. Have you checked?

Plan B: Just don’t do the challenge and live on happily.


Yeah, I got to admit that is more “my problem”. Because I don’t want to just grind stupid into rank 3. That would cause trouble to the teams I get in. I want a good crew on the tanks and I want to have fun. So I’m the problem.

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Thank you! This takes away much pressure which I gave myself. Reading was never my best. I’m better at scouting and AA ^^

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This is unironically why I decided against it.

I only play Germany, but I have a smattering of BP vehicles and stuff I received from crates (including, rather incredibly, a T-80UM2 I got from a crate and never used). So it’s only in 3-4 nations where I would need to actually grind a bit to unlock a Rank III, and because the game only asks you to play five battles, just be there, it’s eminently doable in theory.

But then I thought, oh shit, I’m going to be one of those BP players, fucking around in stock tanks and low level crews just for the sake of the challenge without thinking about winning or (even worse) having fun. And I decided that no, those 30pts (plus the 45 for the final challenge) are not worth it.


Can we have more of you in WT? Thank you.

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You can literally grind a tier 3 from reserve in about 3 hours with premium, about double if no premium and no need to play silly.

I’d very much say the same about you. You write so many inspirational posts that have legitimately made me feel better about the game. Players like you, Uncle J Wick and others are the reason why this forum is worth frequenting even when most threads rapidly descend into utter madness.

About the BP thing, at the end of the day I look at it this way. Gaijin puts a lot of thought into incentives, because that’s what humans respond to, and player response to incentives is key to the success of a F2P MMO. It can’t just work like a regular game.

Many of the problems the game has, can be traced to the fact that the priority is not exactly the product per se, but the incentive structure that makes you engage with that product.

Gaijin structures the BP like this, because it will incentivise you to grind more trees. The fact that you’re going to play worse in order to get that “chore” done is an unintended consequence/side effect of that design priority.

Fortunately there is an easy way to fix that: follow your own personal incentives. Ask yourself (like Dodo was saying), why do I play this game?

If this BP had some vehicle I really badly wanted and am going to use, so basically a German WW2 vehicle, then I might consider the tradeoff in the short term, but for that specific vehicle, not for the Battle Pass holistically. I’m more than happy to do logins, and daily tasks can be fun little missions to organise a gameplay session around, but it’s all side stuff really, it’s not why I play.

I play to become better at my vehicles of choice, that is to say German vehicles between 1.0 and 7.7. I know I’m still very average and I have a long road ahead of me to get to “good”, and lots to learn, and I cherish that challenge.

I’m in a position in my life where I fortunately have a good job that leaves me with plenty of free time at home, but some personal problems I’d like to get distracted from, so being engaged with ongoing pursuit like this one is exactly what I need. Almost like you’re learning to play guitar, except the guitar in this case fires PzGr :D

In that sense, I am basically invulnerable to the vast majority of incentive tweaks Gaijin introduces, because I don’t play for the grind. I don’t need numbers and stats to keep me engaged with the game. I’ll come back to it on my own and rotate through the BRs like I always do.

So, while I was briefly tempted to do that challenge, it was easy for me to decide against it. Other players would get a bad team mate, I would see it as a chore, and it would contribute nothing to my personal goal of self-improvement as a player.

Apologies for the essay lol.


Everything in the game is designed to induce you to spend money. Things are presented as “free, just play the game” or “free, but look at this other thing you can have for just a little more!”, when in reality they are placed intentionally just out of reach for most players. But they constantly goad you and present it like they are doing you a favor or something.
It think its the most irritating aspect of the game.

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That’s F2P for you, sadly.

People actually found the first BP event enjoyable, and not too cumbersome to complete. Gaijin realized that we were having too much fun, and has since made every BP event progressively harder to complete… 🤦‍♂️


The problem is that it’s dozens upon dozens of vehicles you have to miss out on, especially if you also cannot partake in the events, and many of these vehicles are not all that optional.

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Yeah, it’s a strange game where we have to pay to grind some convoluted tasks. It’s been 3 years since the first BP. THREE fricken years of non-stop grind. No breaks in-between. The snail needs your blood to thrive. I believe I did 9 of these BPs. I even purchased tons of levels on one of them to get the top prize. Last year I took a break from this game for about 9 months (until this summer), as I was sick of this constant grind.
Zero fun, just grind… grind… I often wish I haven’t found out about this game years ago. This game is too needy, like some kind of ex-wife who is trying to get back into your life, so she can (once again) have access to your bank account.


I’d just advise to test flight the Strikemaster, attack a Mig-15 and see how it goes. Might reduce the hype… ;-)

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This season the challenges are really easy, but the rewards are …crap.
I will instead grind the event because i activated the vehicle coupons from the past event and have the two upgrade coupons left. So Gaijin won again.

i wont do all challenges as id rather get beaten with a lead pipe than playing naval for more than 5 minute at a time.

and we could use vehicle from a lower BR. which means more people could play the damn thing.

But nooooo.

Let’s see if we can force people to grind every bloody aspect of the game.

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I find it funny how the first battle pass task is kill 2 bombers, after the last battle pass prize

Absolutely disagree. This is the opposide of what a good BP task should be.

Specifically for WT. Yes. But generally this is again a really bad idea. Instead of rewarding people for just playing your game you demand they play it differently or be left out. A Good BP should be clearable by doing 100% the same as you normally do. So If you only play ground RB you should be able to do every task in ground RB.

No. The rewards and the amount of grind need to be balanced inorder for people to want to spend. You also want to ecourage them to spend for the first time, as first time spenders keep spending afterwards. WTs is so grindy that without spending real money of having weeks of freetime you can not complete it at all. I missed out on three great rewards because I would only have been ablet o get them for an excessive amount of money.

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Small advice which helped me … Those special mission you can buy from the warbond shop …
I buyed them and waited to next day to complete the mission. I was very often able to complete the mission simultaneous with the daily task.