Battle Rating changes for January 2024 (post feedback)

p-51d-20-NA in US is still 4.3 RB after the update


Just wanna brag about something small some people may care a bit about.
And that is the Type 87 RCV sitting at 9.0 same as the Italien VBC (PT2).
The problem is that the VBC has LWS/LR, TVD and a two-plane gun tabilizer at a 9.0 br.
The type 87 RCV get’s nothing like this, And I belive that is kinda unfair when it comes to gameplay.
It would be nice if the br would go doen for the Type 87 RCV or to add the extra components that the VBC has.

Ty for reading my feedback.

It’s funny how they keep increasing french vehicle BRs regardless of the vehicle rather than taking proper balancing measures.

AML-90 isn’t a 7.7 material light vehicle, and batchat should not have to face MBTs like that. Hells, if the pattern continues, anything french past mid-tier is going to face T90Ms, Leo 2A6s and such if it depended on these “esteemed” devs. They just continue going up and up regardless of the situation.

It would be nice to have the option to move the expert crew training to a new crew slot when a vehicle BR changes. Many times moving a vehicle BR results in losing SL and crew experience because another vehicle in the new BR range already occupies the same slot.

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Well, let’s talk a bit about the F-4 EJ and the F-4 EJ ADTW. comparing to the American F-4E (wich seats at same BR) we can see some disadvantages:

  • there’s no agile eagle, what reduces drastically the dogfight capability.
  • there’s no AIM-7E-2.
  • there isn’t any kind of guided armament for CAS.
  • even the dumb bombs variety is worse, there’s only 500lb and 750lb bombs.

Don’t you guys think this plane deserves a lower br? Even a 0.3 reduction could make a big difference 10.7 will avoid the 12.0 br braket where this plane really suffers.


But First, you should get that:
Good players =/= All players

So if vehicles of minor nations that not many players play, but only good players play because they know how to use that nation, it shouldn’t be a reason for you to just uptiers that vehicle.

You can’t justify the Saggitario II just going at the same br of the Ariete. It’s literally worse copy.
Those planes shouldn’t even be there, agains all the missile spams. But because these are in the end not bad vehicles plus the fact that only very skilled people play them, makes them get a higher efficiency than better vehicles played by more average players.

It would be needed to reconsider why some nations aren’t very new players friendly but got very high win-rates. And it shouldn’t be just a: “vehicle’s win-rate is good, so uptier it, or nerf it”, because in this way because in this way there will be less and less players interested in trying new minor nations thus the vehicles would just get nerfed because only played by good players.


I mean - the F-15 is still the only supersonic jet with missiles as good as 9Ms. If everything else is moving to 12.7 I don’t understand why the Eagle isn’t. Lack of HMD isn’t a big enough disadvantage to justify it being a lower BR.

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AMX13 FL11 at 4.3
The lone french tank at 4.3, so you either don’t use it because it would increase a 3.7 lineup to face 5.3 tanks or again, you don’t use it because it’s worse than the EBR at 5.3.

The AMX13 FL11 is a worse Chaffee, how the hell is it almost an entire BR higher? are you for real? Put it at 3.7 where it at least can get some use as a F2P alternative to the objectively superior AMX-13-M24.


I see people saying it has less 9Ms then the F16c so thats why but they pretend that the sparows it carries are useless

what about giving the bmd4 it’s atgm back (non-tandem) with unlimited capacity and yeeting it at 10.0?

Oh and I forgot to add something:

Why is the T-28 1938 going to 1.7? The old T-28 is already at 1.7 and has a better gun. Keep it at 1.3 where it belongs.

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And that is still a bad idea regardless. Honestly we should just do what capncruncher said and purposefully drag down the efficiency rating to prove a point. Even if the devs miss the point, at least the vehicle gets fixed.

Char-25t in 8.0, very big joke. Next change of Br, it will go to 9.0
And why is the French AML-90 in 7.7 while the Israeli is in 7.0?


WHY is the AGS getting uptiered to 11.0 getting the M833 only barely justifies it getting uptiered to 10.7, with the current situation 90% of the vehicles that the AGS is going to fight has at least 200mm penetration difference. The AGS at 10.3 is already perfect. if you want to make it 11.0 atleast give it a 400mil pen shell


No please do, an ULTRA rare MBT, not a light tank. which was the reward for an event almost 4 years ago.
I think if i’ve seen two in battle, in all that time, it would not be far from the truth.

But sure uptier it, but i care more about a vehicle which is readily available, then some rare event vehicle.


I am tired of pointing out in these topics for months and sometimes years certain BR disparities for absolutely identical planes which are still not resolved, especially for arcade battles (does anyone remember they exist?). There is no reason that two identical vehicles don’t have the same BR in two different nations in this game mode:

  • French F-100D and chinese F-100A BR 9.7 → 9.3 : like the american one which is better in every way.
  • American, italian and french F-84F BR 9.0 → 8.7 : like the israeli and german ones which are identical.Terrible flight performance for a 9.0 aircraft.

And this BR changes brings a new inconsistency in realistic battles : the french B-26C is now BR 4.7 and the american B-26B BR 4.3. Exact same aircrafts once again…

And I probably didn’t mention all of them sadly… Could you please report these persistant issues to the devs ?


GG, they just updated the Br changes. RIP Japan

I can’t wait for you to revert the French changes when you realize how gimped you just made some of them.

God some of these BR changes are retarded. Most of the French vehicles around 7.0-8.0 lack HEAT and APFSDS where their national counterparts generally all have them.


They won’t.
They give a **** about minor countries(especially French and Britian)
What they are doing is to make these vehicles unplayable to satisfy premium noobs .


indeed - so some vehicles are not played any longer causes that they have no more statistic data → no change forever in their BR…

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