Battle Rating changes for January 2024 (post feedback)

It never got it… if they added it, it would be unrealistic

Sad to see the SPAA of GRB BR4x in France gone…

What are you on about?
The gripen also gets 6 missile harpoints. Not just the SMT has 6 missiles idiot

The 3½t Truck (SAM-3) deserves to be at 11.7+. It has no place at 10.7

The Char25T at 8.0!!! It’s insanity ! I spaded that tank and let me tell you that even at 7.7 when you get yourself in a 8.7 uptier you would absolutly get your ass wooped ! To anyone that did not play that tank let me describe it to you : It has NO armor and can be .50Cal to the sides and the top , It has good mobility (IN A 7.7 MATCH!) but not good acceleration , It has ONLY APHE & HE , The AP has great post pen damage but ONLY IF YOU CAN PEN ! And with 209mm point blank pen at this BR you are going to run into two problems : Either you will not be able to pen the enemy tank or you will pen it if it’s a light tank but LT at 8.3/8.7/9.0 will not fuse your AP most of the times resulting in little to no damage , It has no Stabilizer/Thermal/RangeFinder(Not even talking about a laser one not EVEN a regular one)/and has poor Depression & Elevation making it a bad tank to put in a good position on the battlefield , At 8.7 and even at some 8.3s matches it was facing tanks with all the aforementioned goodies (not even talking about the tanks that have APFSDS & Composite Armor at those BRs) , But now it will also face 9.0 Tanks Just because the only thing saving this tank is it’s 4s reload that takes forever to replenish once you run out? (Btw this tank is very easy to ammorack due to that autoloader and the fact that it has no armor you just either shoot front hull to the right and kill all the crew or shoot straight in the upper middle either from the front the sides or the back and you will be sure to ammorack) , So really 9.0??.. PURE INSANITY!! , The Good BR for this tank should be 7.3 . (Good thing that the AMX M4 will be staying at 6.7 i think it’s the perfect BR for it)


F-15s staying LMAO
one of the best jets not going up simply because “muh statistics” What a joke


Mostly I agree with everything you have said, but the main problem that the game is like this is because of the absurd damage model that the game has, it is something that should be radically modified making the APHE do more correct damage , spalling forward instead of creating a sphere of death, the damage cone being larger depending on the explosive charge inside the bullet, also the Full AP should have a much more consistent damage, with a slightly lower damage to the APHE (around 10% less) and depending on the damage on the energy and size of the bullet to do more or less damage, the tungsten carbide APCR and APDS should do damage equivalent to the APHE, varying the damage Due to the size of the bullet and energy after penetrating, the tungsten alloy APDS are the same as the previous ones but doing a little less spalling, the HEAT and HEAT-FS and missiles would have damage depending on the excess penetration after passing the armor. So if there is 100mm of penetration left over it would cause great damage inside the tank, if there is 50mm left over it would be low damage and if there is 200mm or more left over it would be enormous damage inside the tank, being a cone-shaped damage, the HE In principle they are fine, the HESH would need a little more damage, giving them that the fragments that come off will bounce a little inside the tank. All this would be the minimum necessary to be able to make a correct Br, and to all this I would add that when receiving a penetration the surviving crew members would have one or two seconds of shock (an ability could be added to shorten that time), and that the large caliber HE and HESH could generate that shock without penetrating.

Hm, is 2S25M is really 3BM60/59 capable? I heard the best shell it can use is 3BM46.

Why not just improve its gun handling (“at least” 3.5d/s means higher figures are possible, not your strange decision to limit to 3.5d/s as a max value)? Or add leaning like BMP-3/BMD-4 has?

So long as you’re fine with the idea of the earthquake BR changes that would follow, such as APHE vehicles dropping in BR and solid shot vehicles going up in BR…

I personally wish they would make other ammo more lethal rather than APHE being less lethal, purely for reasons of gameplay.

F-5E at 10.7? are you serious gaijin

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American pilots dragging all F-15 statistics down. And like with the P51 with cannons they tried to increase the British one and because people complained, they increased both.


Turns out due to specific of its autoloader, yes.
Gun might be different (2A75-1), but you dont need to change the gun to fire it.

because most US tech tree players are dumb as fxxk.


So if you change everything you will have to change the Br of many tanks, especially separating the WW2 tanks from the post-war tanks. Within the WW2 tanks themselves there would not be many changes, the only thing that would change is which tanks They are at a certain Br and cannot compete against the APHE, now they could, so those Br drops that they usually do from time to time would no longer be done, and apart from that they could take away from certain tanks the bullets that they never they used, such as the APCBC in the IS-2 1044 or the APDS and HEAT-FS in the T-54 1949 and 1951.
Regarding the issue of not lowering the damage, what could be done and is realistic is that some fragments of armor and the bullet itself would ricochet inside the tank, which could kill or injure the crew members, but the damage from the APHE like this now is not correct, it is too unreal and fantasy for a game that wants to be minimally realistic.

A. How many MBT’s have 50 cal? , there are those who still only have 7.62 NATO;
B. Not only does it get the BEST Russin round @580mm flat pen, it also gets the Tandem HEAT ATGM;
C. Its current round was already powerful when facing 8.7-9.0 (AB, RB), now this slaps almost another 50mm to flat pen.
D. something like the TAM 2C sits at the same BR, with better reverse speed and 2 degrees more gun depression, but with 150mm less flat pen;
E. the CV90120 sits ar 11.3, with better reverse, better depression and faster reload, but with a whopping 20mm more flat pen;

The TAM is better in mobility, and depression, but severely lacks in killing power, how can it be the same BR, even with 3BM46, it had 100mm more pen. The 2S25 SPRUT is a more equal match, which for some reason lacks thermals while being a 2005 vehicle (according to WT Wiki).

The CV90120 is better in almost every metric, but does that warrant 5 (AB) or 4 (RB) BR steps higher?

With this round (3BM60) it will outgun every mbt below BR 11.0-3 or even 11.7 depending on the tree.

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F-5E absolutely should go to 11.0, the entire plane is just an easy mode at 10.7 while planes like F-4EJ can’t justify their 11.0 (No ground options, no slats and no dogfight sparrows)


I think he used TAM 2 C because it sits at the exact same BR in both modes. please name another tracked light tank at that BR?

And a whopping 2 more degrees of depression, woot. i prefer Rooikat 105 with 10 degrees myself.

Blame Russian designers, they had same mobility in 2S25 but lowered it, a design choice!!!

And all other nations around its BR will suffer with these buffs, very few tanks can take a hit from these munitions.

I don’t see how the batchat is 8.0 worthy, especially comparing it to another notable light tank at 8.0 (The 906) how is this even close? Unstabilized, much more pen on APCBC, access to HEATFS to deal with what APCBC can’t, better power to weight, and faster forwards and in reverse. Even down to the internals, the Breach on the batchat is massive with the revolving drum-style autoloader shots to the hull that completely miss the turret crew can still cripple it. In exchange, the bat gets… more HE filler for a round with no hope of penning any 8.0-8.7 Russian mbt frontally (906 does NOT have this issue and butters everything with HEATFS if need be, saying it’s not supposed to fight frontally when it’s contemporaries easily can is a moot point) an extra degree of gun depression, better turret traverse, and 4 smoke grenades. We get that French 7.7 is way overtuned, but why nerf the bat and not the Lorraine if anything, it’s better overall minus scouting. Also not sure what the AMX TO90 with the same gun is supposed to do at 8.0 when it’s as fat as a house (Good luck!)


Should I tell you about the M60 AMBT that has been sitting at or below 10.0 for years now with a similar round?

Okay, i know in my other post i said the lack of APCR was another downside of the T20 getting downtiered. But that didnt mean me or the rest of the community think its a magic fix all for it getting uptiered.

There are APHE shells in 6.0 that can pen more than what the APCR can, without having to deal with terrible sloped performance and come with one shot capability. The M93 will literally be unable to pen any of its contemporaries.

For Gods sake just leave this tank at 6.0