Battle Pass Vehicles: Sholef V.1

Sholef V1 Missing Stabilizer // // Issues I created a report will see that they say

Yeah, they totally don’t care about historical accuracy anymore

Btw third part webside are not a valide argument but smh a video of a dude reloading a round in an abrams in less than 6 sec in a stoped tank is actually enough to give it a 5 sec reload. Just tell us the truth gaijin, you just don’t like israel bcs they dont earn you as much as the other nation full of idiots paying 70 buck for a copy and paste do.


The Sholef “skilled marksman” is a pile of crap! At 7.3 this is one of the worst tanks in the game hands down! I love artillery pieces being used as AT. Type 99, Auf1 and the Vidar are my favorites. The paladin sadly doesn’t perform like those but has a good place at 6.3
With that all being said the SHOLEF is undoubtably the worst of all the Artillery pieces in the game.

1: The Sholef has the worst gun handling of the artillery guns (Turret rotation included).
2: Has as bad maneuverability as the M109 paladins. (Slow)
3: Reload rate is so extremely slow and only a few seconds faster than the M109 paladin.
4: Worst ammo load out of all the Artillery guns in the game. Extremely slow rounds with little explosive filler. 9-12kg is below average.
5: No range finder or thermals.
6: Armor that only protects against MG fire and offers no protection to tanks.
7: Auto loader with massive ammo rack thats extremely easily to cripple or cause an ammo rack explosion.
8: Tall large target with almost no gun depression with a massive forehead (space above the gun)
9: Useless MGs that cant look up or help with AA. 7.62 barely helps against open top and unarmored vehicles.

All being said this tank needs to be at 6.0 maybe or lower. It is too slow to get anywhere important, to slow to get onto target and Fires a slow HE shell that has to land in perfectly aim shots in a BR that makes it impossible to do in a timely manner past 500 yards, Even for a skilled player before you easily get killed by an enemy using any shell type. It would pure dumb luck for you to live being hit. Also What cover could you possibly use? You are to damn big and too tall to hide anywhere. For any critics of me you can check my stats I love tanks and especially my SPGs. 7.3 this tank stands no chance but with an extremely experienced player.


This is so stupid, sure fire on the move is not stabilizer they shot random surely without the ability to hit. Gaijin show another more time that they are ignorant rusian bias honks. Ridiculous, this is a prototype where should i get a first party source get from? Its theyre job at the first place to make sure the things theyre are implementing are correct?! Where is the First party sourcce who proves the sholef has no stabilizer.

The Museum there it stands states it can fire at the move in direct fire, why they should do that without stabilizer they are not untrained Russians at ukraine they’re are trained like any other army to only shot if they should hit. to say its not prove is just stupid! where is the Prove on youre side Gaijin?! right there is none… Surely 20 websites are making things up individually just to praise the sholef even if it was never in service LOL

Besides they acknowledged other bug reports of the sholef with the same museum as source so who are they want to troll here? At least they could be honest about the matter and say us they dont give a shit about facts as long as they are not writen on rusian toilettpaper

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@ofekk213 by any chance does that Janes source mention anything about a stabilizer? Maybe that would help with this if so.

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The Sholef “skilled marksman” is a pile of crap! At 7.3 this is one of the worst tanks in the game hands down! I love artillery pieces being used as AT. Type 99, Auf1 and the Vidar are my favorites. The paladin sadly doesn’t perform like those but has a good place at 6.3
With that all being said the SHOLEF is undoubtably the worst of all the Artillery pieces in the game.

1: The Sholef has the worst gun handling of the artillery guns (Turret rotation included).
2: Has as bad maneuverability as the M109 paladins. (Slow)
3: Reload rate is so extremely slow and only a few seconds faster than the M109 paladin.
4: Worst ammo load out of all the Artillery guns in the game. Extremely slow rounds with little explosive filler. 9-12kg is below average.
5: No range finder or thermals.
6: Armor that only protects against MG fire and offers no protection to tanks.
7: Auto loader with massive ammo rack thats extremely easily to cripple or cause an ammo rack explosion.
8: Tall large target with almost no gun depression with a massive forehead (space above the gun)
9: Useless MGs that cant look up or help with AA. 7.62 barely helps against open top and unarmored vehicles.

All being said this tank needs to be at 6.0 maybe or lower. It is too slow to get anywhere important, to slow to get onto target and Fires a slow HE shell that has to land in perfectly aim shots in a BR that makes it impossible to do in a timely manner past 500 yards, Even for a skilled player before you easily get killed by an enemy using any shell type. It would pure dumb luck for you to live being hit. Also What cover could you possibly use? You are to damn big and too tall to hide anywhere. For any critics of me you can check my stats I love tanks and especially my SPGs. 7.3 this tank stands no chance but with an extremely experienced player.


Sholef is in game now, still has condensed air causing it to be 60 tons and still lacks the stabilizer. The reload rate should be reduced to 6.7 seconds. Gaijin can’t use the excuse of “it would be to powerful for Rank IV”, because they were the ones who decided to add it. Either change the BP reward to something else, or fix the Sholef.

Also, in the announcement for the Sholef, you mentioned that you could earn it “just by playing”, however this is a lie as it is locked and the battlepass must be bought to get it.


right now, there is a couple repport about the sholef



No label



more reports are considered but lack of sources

  • Sholef V1, Missing stabilizer *capacity to fire on the move imply an Stabilizer
  • Sholef V1, Missing LRF (or any rangefinder) * the device on the barrel
  • Sholef V1, incorrect muzzle velocity * goes with the gun caliber
  • Sholef V1, incorrect gun elevation angle *-5 to +75
  • Sholef V1, incorrect turret rotation speed

if they fix the reload and turret traverse while keeping it at 7.3, 7.7 max, i may buy this battle pass.

Currently this vehicle is just a poor joke.

I am really surprised no one filed a report about incorrect horizontal guidance, in discussion above many people brought that up and backed it with a tone of articles

it’s true, the Sholef is nothing interesting right now. it’s a slightly more protected SPH. i would rather play the M109 if it’s only this.

but if the gun is better, has better mobility, has a better reload, and eventually a stabilizer, now we are talking.

it should be in every respect better than the AuF1. currently, it’s not much better than the Rochev. As far I know, only 1x SPH is better than the Sholef V1, it’s the Sholef V2…


What about anything regarding it using the Merkava Mk.1B gunner thermals? Also anything regarding the turret traverse speeds given its hydraulic guidance drives and Jane’s stating possibly 62 degrees of horizontal traverse per second (and they even mention it in this devblog)

For the speed it’s is unclear what speed the transverse have. Janes is not the best sources. 62/sec seem a bit fast for me. but surely the 6.5 is too slow…

i would expect it to be about as fast as the Merkava or so. for some reason, someone in Gaijin think
Big turret = slow turret.

this is a pretty simplified way of thinking and led to a lot of issues.

it’s not normal that a new tank, which is supposed to be a top seller of the battlepass turns out to have 14 issues spotted as soon I saw it in-game without even going through my sources. I do not know who was behind that research and was in charge of the development of this vehicle in particular, but I would consider giving him another task at this point. i could understand if there were some misleading sources around or contradictory sources. but in most cases, there is none. such as the gun being an L/39 the weight being 60 tons, or the engine being a 752 hp. there is no source found stating it…

and keep in mind I am not working alone on this research. I never do. there is always a dozen guys who help me out behind. each of them wonders what happens in Gaijin’s development office to end up with the Sholef V1 this inaccurate.


If the box by the base of the gun is a radar range finder, shouldn’t it essentially be implemented as a laser ranger finder? I mean the premise of the two is the same they measure range by timing the interval of transmission and reception. I would think the laser would be a little faster and more accurate but still to not even have a coincidence range finder modeled is a little absurd.

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At the very least it should hav her same traverse speed at the Mk.1s, 6.5 is ridiculous… (also isn’t there something skin stated about Jane’s being allowed to be used as a primary source before a certain date, by any chance does the info on the Sholef happen to be capable of being used as primary source or nah?)

Yall are heroes of you ask me. Thank you (and everyone else) who is trying to get this vehicle corrected to a historical standard and are maki gg this vehicle worth playing and obtaining.

Also if I might add, I read somewhere about blowout panels for the charges, anyone know anything about that or if that’s added ingame?

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A laser beam an radar wave should travel at the same speed (the speed of light) if I’m not mistaken.

Ah my mistake the speed of the interval should be the same. So really it should be modeled the same as a laser range finder.

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the information about this tank is still classified which makes it hard to have accurate and detailed sources.
we are considering sending someone to the museum and requesting to get inside the tank itself to confirm some of that info. things such as the Stabilizer or range can be confirmed on the spot by just seeing the FCS pannel.

we manage to find primary source provided by the Museum itself. but they lack of details.


Mentions of capability of firing on the move are present in much more reliable and primary sources than Janes :)


“But fire in the move doesn’t mean stabilizer” - gaijoobles apparently

Just wondering if having Jane’s and a few more sources might help it getting it acknowledged.

Fire on the Move = Stabilizer
otherwise, we aren’t talking about a real ability if you can’t hit your target at a fair combat range. this gun is so big, the barrel will wabble too much, and the projectile land in the city 20 km away. if there is such risk, this will not be considered as an option or real ability.

just like the Maximal range. it’s not the real Maximal range the round will hit. it’s the range where they can still control the rounds. when they say it’s 41 km, it may reach 45km but they will have no idea where it will land or know it will not land accurately enough to be close to the targets.

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