Battle of the Atlantic: Ships Against Submarines!

First impressions:

  • USA : Simple as the current naval arcade mode. No more no less. The deep charges finally are useful. The hunt is easy and very fun.

  • U-Boot : No indications to how play it. Destroyers are so fast to rush and camping on the spawn. No aim indications for the air threat. Infuriating to have less two minutes lifetime to discover a new mechanic…

The event is interesting but give to the U-Boat more tools and indications how to control it, specially for controllers users. That will be appreciated.


This mode is sooo unbalanced in favor of US.
I scored 1.500 points in my very first battle as US, without even knowing how to use depth charges.
While it seems very hard to do as German as Germans only get points for destroyers and planes?
(I sand 5 cargo ships in one battle and got 36 points for that?)
Needs to be tweaked…


Hey if one positive thing comes from this mode its that maybe we’ll actually get rewarded for playing the objective.
Naval has a mode where you sink the enemy AI fleet to win, each AI sunk takes 1000 points from their bar, its crucial to win.
Sinking them also gives exactly the same amount of rewards in this mode, nothing, so most players ignore them.
This mode requires players to sink the AI, reward us for it.


Its probably bug, no need to be dramatic

there’s no point in sinking the AI if you don’t get any points… even a win won’t help…

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The amount of score you get is identical to AI in RB matches, its not bugged, thats how naval AI rewards are

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quite an embarrassing mistake… as has happened again and again recently … just like with the german translations but nothing is done about it… because I’d rather have 3 bad translators who get a lot of gold than 1 good one

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Yeah which is why people need to start complaining until we do get points, until we get rewards for actually playing the objective.


Doesnt make much sense in this game mode.

This is not “cry your problems here” thread

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Its decided by the title

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The objective of the submarines is to sink the convoy, only a fool of a submarine captain would go brawl the escorts instead.
And yet we aren’t rewarded for playing the objective of the match and instead have to ignore it entirely in favor of brawling with escorts.
its nonsensical, we should get score for playing the objective listed on the event page.
To sink the fleet.


First impressions:

-This game mode has potential!
-Its really fun to have something different and a choice of different playstyles in naval is a great thing.
-The U-boat is easy to play once you understand the controls (ill get to this later).
-The sonar looks and feels great when you play as USA.
-I like the mechanic of making sound and trying to manage the levels to be able to hide.
-The mines has a great potential

-The U-boats are WAY to slow. we get nowhere before USA is camping spawn and the boats easily outrun the U-boats turn rate in close quarters.
-It’s almost impossible for a U-boat to be completely on the surface because you get immediately blasted by 5 ships and die.
-The mines stop working at 40m not 60m as described in the post.
-To be below 60m to not be detected also starts damaging the hull of the U-boat making it a last resort rather than a tactic.
-No guide on how to play the U-boat and i had to look at controls to try to figure it out. (some of whish don’t work?)
-Some controls in U-boat does nothing to my knowledge (homing torpedoes? U-boat sonar?)
-The USA bombers are way to powerful and the Germans have nothing to put against them (because if you surface to shoot from your U-boat you die from 5 salvos from 5 ships in 5 seconds)
-The german bombers are way to weak, they almost all die before they have a chance to drop anything.

The matches quickly devolve into U-boats sitting still under water waiting for a good moment and then popping up like a jack-in-the-box and shooting a torpedo or two and then diving down again. While the USA ships run around like crazy on the surface above the spawn of Germany wating for a U-boat to surface so that they can bomb it with depth charges.

Edit: Wording


Please do not add submarines to Warthunder. This event has absolutely convinced me that adding submarines would be detrimental to naval gameplay.

I enjoyed playing the destroyers a lot but submarine gameplay is an absolute pain.


Well, at least not as is, its smart of them to release it as an event to test it out and get feedback from players. Had they added them straight to naval as they are now people would have gone mad super quick.

But if they improve on them and make them better and easier to play then it absolutely could be fun to play as submarines :) there are a lot of growing pains that need to ironed out before they are ready for full release. right now they are a massive pain to play. but i also thing that if they had som sort of surface cover in the form of ships it would have made the event way more fun and playable than it is now because it would take the focus away from the U-boats a fair bit. making it easier to actually play them as they are ment to be played; sneaky.

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I totally disagree with you. Subs work great. The problem is that a lot of people don’t know how to play them properly and they could add surface ammo replenishment.


Then don’t play subs. Going by this event, subs are quite nerfed and surface ships have good countermeasures to them. They will be an opportunity for you to pad your score.
IRL subs were an ever present menace even if they usually weren’t a threat and influenced surface combatant strategy and tactics. They should be in the game.


They could add them in the same way naval arcade has planes/bombers. where you have to gain a certain amount of spawn points to spawn in one. maybe? just a spontaneous thought.

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you have to play subs if you want the event rewards

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Gameplay would be different in normal battles and Naval EC where teams spawn further away.