Bashing on low levels is weird………

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There there…


Not sure what exactly you’re trying to point out that is a problem?


what is this about I feel this one is just a venting post?

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To them you’re just pixels on a screen, nothing but an object.
Bashing on low levels is fine in top tier if they’re a premium player but in lower tiers, especially when they’re in tech tree vehicles, its just kinda cringe


lol only took about 4 people to finally catch on…….

Not a vent, just an observation. It just shows lack of Situational awareness. You can bash the piss out of who ever. Free country innit. But I could easily rip your game apart too… point being no one in war thunder is a former tank or air wing commander. I’m a greenside navy corpsman that was attach to MARDIV. I’m not gonna dunk on Civies at the air soft field because they don’t actually understand small arms tactics……. That’s not weird to you?

Give you an example. I’m in a Tier 2 scout. I’m doing my job spotting the oncoming traffic into A for my big boys to knock down. My rando squad mate in a tank destroyer just decides he’s gonna go full brawler and charges the point leaving me exposed to three on coming heavies. Tell ol boy to do his job and I get the chill out…… this is in ground realistic mind you…… not arcade where who give a hoot. I get called out for being level 20 in the tier level I’m supposed to be in, but I can’t say anything? I’ve literally been inside an LAV WITH 3rd LAR………. But look out mister lvl 60…

That’s weird bro. It’s a really weird flex…… like crimson said below. These dudes just see pixels and don’t realize how ignorant they sound.

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Congratulations, I don’t believe anybody asked.

A scout? I thought we had light tanks and tank destroyers in this game, not scouts.

If you’re in a light tank and find yourself in a position where three heavy tanks have direct LOS of you, you’re wrong.

You’re in either an M5A1 or an Sd.Kfz.234/2. Both of which have immensely great firepower and are easily capable of dealing with vehicles as large as KV-1s. To tell people that it’s a TD’s job to sit back and play like a grandpa in an arcade-style tank game is hilariously stupid.

Again, who cares? You have 300 matches and clearly have a major lack of experience if in the only 2 tier 2 LTs you own you have a 0.14 and 0.23 KD. In those same vehicles, respective to the numbers I’ve just pulled, you have a KPM of 0.14 and 0.3.
Everything I’m seeing points to this being a cope-post because somebody told you to mind your own business and play the game, like the adult you (arguably) are.

Nobody’s flexing? You’re sitting here crying about what you’ve done, but that means absolute JACK in a game like this. You started the altercation by trying to dictated how your teammate should play in his TD, and he simply says “chill out”? That’s FAR from “flexing”… That’s just called a hurt ego.
I’ll call the wambulance if needed.


I’m kinda lost… Both after reading the OP and the comments…


I think some drugs come into play.


Go play a game with SBMM then. cry about it

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I haven’t had this experience, at least not yet. So, all I can suggest is to not give a shit what others are saying.

Maybe the people bashing low-levels are just acting all elitist, or at least high-and-mighty. People like this come with the territory of multiplayer games. Granted, it would feel more degrading when they have the skills to back up their arrogance. But, I still think that the trick is to not care what they think.


Lmao 😂 this right here is the saddest response I’ve ever seen. lol do you know what LIGHT ARMORED RECON DOES? how exactly am I in the wrong when I’m forward of the TD doing exactly what I’m supposed to???..…… do you not know what a “scout” vehicle is? Do you even know what a TD is supposed to actually do? He doesn’t rush the frontline…… Brodie LAR lives and breathes forward of the front line that’s their job. Wtf???

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Just to add some context. This is the moment he is talking about:

The M10 is simply relocating while OP is sitting out in the open.

This is his reaction (no one else had provoked him before):

Staying classy:


I wonder why people might not be too happy with his attitude.




Can you show me exactly what “light armored recon” you’re talking about? Last I remember dedicated reconnaissance vehicles weren’t added to War Thunder (bar the recon drones…), and neither of the T2 LTs that you own fit that description at all.

Seeing the video posted directly below this comment, you’re in the wrong for bringing a lightly armored vehicle to a trading alley. The entire point of that position is to get shot at while shooting the enemies, not flank, not scout, nothing. Unless you’re a Foch or a T28/95, your M5A1 does not belong there and its nobody’s fault other than your own that you died.

You aren’t forward of the TD. Don’t try lying, it only embarrasses you.
Every single match you’ve ever played is recorded, and is uploaded to a database that can be filtered with ease. Your replay has already been found, and so far it seems you’ve been nothing but disingenuous.

Yes, though I didn’t know the M5A1 (a frontline-centered lightly armored infantry support platform) was a “scout vehicle”. Maybe the MGMC may be considered a scout vehicle…? Even then, it’s an SPAA variant of it without the ability to spot enemies.

It’s hilarious to call your own teammate short sighted, too… Your dumb ass is sitting out in the open on the largest hill of the map. I honestly have no clue how you put yourself in a bad situation and somehow manage to make it even worse, just to turn around and blame your teammate that you were using as mobile cover.

I’m honestly surprised somebody in the Navy doesn’t understand the most BASIC fundamentals of armored combat… Well, you surely didn’t enlist in the Army, that’s pretty obvious.


I have T-35. To save me from cringe I will add it to my 11.3 lineup.

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So basically he’s salty cause got shot sitting on the less covered place in whole map, bruh what a time waste