Based on recent information, discuss the upcoming new subtrees

Recently, some new leaked lists have come into people’s sight.

Among them, Indonesia, Singapore, North Korea, and South Korean vehicles will also be included in the game with high discussion heat.

Currently, there are disputes in parts of Indonesia/Singapore and Thailand

Their problems are:
Which country should Indonesia/Singapore join?
Should Thailand VT4 be assigned to Japan TT.

During this period, there has been an interesting shift in the views of some player groups.
Regarding the VT4 issue in Thailand. My friend posted a survey on the Chinese community tieba (China Reddit).


Most of them do not oppose the inclusion of Thailand VT4 in Japan TT. On the contrary, many people have a supportive attitude.
The reason is also very funny and realistic: that is, VT4’s performance in the game is too bad. If others want it, then give it to them. The more countries to distribute, the better. Until Gaijin realized how ridiculous it was.
Some people also expressed confusion as to why Japanese players would want this poor vehicle.
Poor loading speed, poor maneuverability. And poor defense. What is the attraction?

And another issue is Singapore/Indonesia. Should join China TT?
In the Reddit community, some Singaporeans have expressed dissatisfaction. They said they would prefer to join Japan and the UK.
Some people also complain about endless copying and pasting. Until Leopard 2 joins every country in the game.
Many people on Tieba (China Reddit) have expressed that we would prefer better performance for the 99A and VT4. Almost no one is requesting Singapore to join the China TT.
and agree with a comment on reddit.


Some people also believe that China TT does not need Leopard 2A4 and SG Leopard. Because they are most likely at 10.7 and 11.3.
And more Khalid, ZTZ90, ZTZ98, VT4, 85-3 can better fill this position and have uniqueness.
In contrast, they are more willing to add ROC M1A2T. And more vehicles from North Korea, Pakistan, and Nigeria.
so, what is your opinion?

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Who cares? There’s more than enough vehicles in the game already.

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Yea, but some countries are facing a shortage of vehicles. (For example, Japan TT)
Some also face the problem of poor vehicle performance.(China, UK, France, Israel.)


Just play more than one nation.

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I’m a china player and i’m not against vt4 joining japan.
I support Singapore joining China, in our community also there are a lot of people who keep the same opinion with me (Singapore joining China), the local vehicles lack strength in the game

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of course, I have play many countries .
(Currently, there are the America, Soviet , China, Germany)
and there are also many premium vehicle

In fact, the main problem with China TT is 12.0 Tanks. The other parts are good(1.0–11.0). The Singapore Leopard 2 cannot make up for this loophole. It cannot be a 12.0 vehicle.
Even if it’s 12.0. Armor is also predictable to be bad.
We would prefer to see BUFF 99A and VT4.

I missed some. The leaked list also mentioned the joint TT of Eastern European countries. They will include countries such as Poland, Czech ,Slovakia,Yugoslavia.
I am very much looking forward to their unique vehicles.
Meanwhile, future vehicles from South Korea, North Korea, and India are also very attractive.

Many players dont want SG vehicles cause they afraid they can’t get domestic vehicles if they receive Leo2s…
This reason really makes no sence as if domestic design is not planned, neither China TT will get domestic vehicle not foreign vehicles in that case

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I don’t know. The last straw for me with the whole subtree thing was when they added the Dutch to France.
I mean how much sense did that make? When literal parts of the Dutch army are integrated into the German army and giving the French (who can make fighter jets on their own) some F-16s?
Now they’re going to extend the tree with leopard 2 at some point which nobody asked for. All the French players want was some respect for the Leclerc and its dozens of errors to be fixed.


I don’t need aircraft from Republic of Singapore Air Force join to china

Dutch F-16 going to france like F-16 from belgium