Barrel Damage - To be or not to be

I’m not reading that by the way.

I said all I had to say and you wanting to be immortal in your tank destroyer with no counterplay isn’t going to convince me otherwise.

Cool, so I win the argument by default since you have no more logic to bring to the fore.

An armored TD gives up everything else for that frontal immortality. Making it still be frontally able to be crippled so easily makes it useless.

You have counterplay - it’s called flanking the thing or letting it get overconfident and push to then be side shot.

If a map doesn’t allow that flanking to go around, that is a MAP PROBLEM. You don’t solve a map problem with artificial gameplay bullcrap. You fix the damn map and open it up instead.

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Ya no the problem with this is there are heavy TD and even low BR TD that are impenetrable from the front from almost all shells at its BR rating.

The only counter to these Heavy bois is to shoot out the barrel; in fact, I would take it another step and fix this arcadey mechanic of barrel sticking through buildings n obstacles. They need to really model the barrel cause it would change gameplay for the better as people will actually have to play like they have a 5m long barrel hanging off the front of their tank. They can also make it so u can damage ur barrel from ramming stuff like in real life.

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Flanking is not a counter play, like you mentioned yourself there are maps which TD can sit in spawn and snipe. Those maps flanking is not an option so don’t say flanking is a counter play; the only really counter play to these heavy impenetrable tanks is to demobilize and destroy the weapon similar to real life.

I.e. you track and damage the barrel/breech so it cannot return fire. You literally have the ability to wiggle the barrel so someone getting taken out like this is completely their fault.

Cool, so I win the argument by default since you have no more logic to bring to the fore.

Not how that works buttercup. You never had an argument to begin with aside from “I don’t like it when my barrel gets shot out so it should be changed.”.

And you know what? There’s no point in humouring you either since gaijin aren’t going to change barrel damage because it upsets you in particular. So crack on.

The issue is that at longer ranges heavies would simply snipe and be nigh-unkillable. (See AB for reference)

Armor does matter at the moment, and most stuff with that armor also has an excellent gun- heavies with bad guns should definitely be fine to at least be somewhat frontally invulnerable (Likr the Churchill VIII), but given that firepower others shouldnt.

I think making barrel damage do what repairing without parts does would be fine though- on the condition that LTs get major buffs in arcade.

Make suggestion.

I have a suggestion, tear it down start from scratch. I bet bye now there is a ton of spaghetti code to be fixed.

Barrel damage ruins lower and mid BR.

Really wonder what nation benefits more from this mechanic, the nation where the barrel extends far beyond the tank and has a massive breech or the one with the tiny barrel that won’t do that and that has a stabilizer and faster reload.


Who shoots first, most of the time wins.

If the game was a sim, the Shermans would still have a massive advantage over German tanks.

So disabling barrels is just a side effect.

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Leave APHE as it is and instead buff AP.

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Probably the one with a stabilizer that shoots first… which is also the one with the barrel advantage.

Just remove repairs except barrel and tracks.
If you pen, the vehicle is disabled in 90% of cases.
Problem solved.

Better, give module more HP but only repairable when they are not completely destroyed.

Get strafed? Repair your tank.
Get 17pdr AP through your turret or crew compartment? Can’t repair that.

This whole crew can keep the tank in fighting condition after several penetration and destroyed modules makes no sense.

How can 200g TNT knock out the entire tank crew but a 120mm AP that tore appart the transmission is not a big deal?

N o

Just no.

tear it all down and start over from scratch.

War Thunder 2