Barrel damage adds insult to injury for heavy armor

This is a post in the RB section.

Shit didn’t even hit the barrel, that wouldn’t have even changed firing ability, how about, a great compromise. Damaged barrels get dynamically damaged by where they get hit; meaning, if they get hit in the muzzle break and do no actual damage, but the main barrel, it’s still fireable, but lower velocity, and if it has become obstructed, you cannot fire.

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Yes but people have been saying that it should be removed from ab and thats what im saying

Personally I think we should just make Barrel Damage easier to achieve for situations like this. If you hit a barrel like that its going to cause damage. This is one of the problems with the application of volumetric shells.

And >90% of maps force short-range engagements. So guess what - when spading my own T95 I all too frequently would run into someone at such short distance that they could carelessly delete my barrel.

Thus I quite literally proceeded to flank at 12kph because it became that unbearable having my armor either ignored from barrel damage or ignored by lolpen rounds.

I do seriously think that as long as we have garbage close quarters maps so frequently, barrels should be invincible, and heavy armor should intentionally not go up in BR because of said fact. Period. A heavy in a downtier should be threatening. And some, if they are slow enough, intentionally and literally immortal frontally, since otherwise they’re effectively worthless. Like the T95.

Might as well go ahead and downtier every low pen vehicle by 1.0-2.0 then. I’m going to enjoy seeing autocannon cars at 5.0


Oh No! mUh jumBO can’t frontally cripple [insert whatever piece of heavy armor] by barrel-knocking! Looks like it will have to actually think and use its surprisingly good mobility for the armor it carries to go around said heavy armor.

Ironically, downtiering autocannon cars will not help them - they all belong in the entry MBT tier where side/rear plating thins out and they can now shred things easily. When I eventually use the BTR-80, I’ll use it alongside my T-10M to melt Leos and IFVs, not try and fail penning King Tigers.

You’re overstating how easy it is to flank in War Thunder’s map design. The Jumbo’s armor is also a bit long in the tooth now that it’s 5.7.

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Then that is a map problem, not an excuse to keep barrel damage as obnoxious as it is now.

I used the Jumbo as an example because it’s everyone’s go-to reason for why any change that seems semi-reasonable cannot ever go through.

It’s the “what blud yapping about” response of War Thunder, for all intents and purposes.

I don’t think barrel damage is obnoxious now, if anything it’s barely a tactic sometimes with how bad volumetric made it. Often times I can shoot a barrel straight on with multiple shots and not do anything to it.

I still see it being as bad for gameplay as other “technically realistic” aspects like transmission failures or other mechanical breakdowns. Not fun to have for either party.

There are too many ways to ignore heavy armor even when you cannot penetrate it.

I don’t see it as a problem at all like I said. Can be frustrating for the guy getting barrel’d, it’s also frustrating facing tanks in uptiers you can’t pen. Goes both ways. Heavy tank can also still shoot barrels out too if he likes.

Agree to disagree I suppose since its subjective mostly here I think

It’s more frustrating to the guy getting barrel-knocked. Usually when you can’t pen something you have the mobility to go around that something. And some tanks you should simply not spawn first in uptiers, like the often-specified Jumbos, or the Churchills.

Than its not an issue as anyone can get his barrel-knocked.

Brother I said to agree to disagree but regarding this, I’ve played both sides. The more frustrating side is the one that can literally do nothing to the other guy BESIDES barrel him. The heavy can do a lot to prevent it. Plenty of tanks don’t fall under “low pen = high mobility” and even the ones that do often cant flank because map design

Except the machines most-susceptible to being barrel-knocked are those which are already disadvantaged most strongly by CAS and speed-demon go-karts flinging HEATFS.

Maus, E-100, T95, Tortoise, T32, T32E1, Black Prince, IS-3, IS-4M, Object 268, Ferdinand, Jagdtiger, Ho-Ri Prototype, Ho-Ri Production, TOG II*, I could go on.

The very things you or anyone else claim they “need” it for already have many available countermeasures.

So have I - barrel damage feels like I am using a cheat. I get to ignore a guy’s armor, then shoot his track, then his other track, and finally blow him up. Sometimes after he got the jump on me and by all rights deserved the kill.

If you end up in front of some big slow behemoth that you can’t pen anywhere, it’s your own fault and you should not have a “get out of jail free card” to use in response. That big slow behemoth has nothing else it can rely upon barring opponent stupidity to survive. You have mobility.

Thats not true. Every vehicle has the same chance of getting barrel-knocked.

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I’m guessing you’re glancing over and ignoring the agree to disagree part lol