Balancing problem 7.0 vs 8.0

Is it possible to developers spend more time on balancing ground battles in 7.0 vs 8.0 case?

The gap between WW2 and early cold war era vehicles skill is huge…in firepower, mobility and armor case.

It will be the best solution if every 8.0 Br tanks change BR to 8.3… not a huge modification but finally they not meet with 7.0 or lower BR opponenets.


like M60 patton, Leopard 1, T-54 mod 49 and mod 51, Type 59,Type 69,Amx 30,Amx-30(1972),Strv 101,STRV 103ATiran 4 and Tiran 4S, Magach 3,Magach 6,Magach 3 ERA,Magach 5,Magach 6A,Shot Kal Alef
never meet

T34,T26E1-1,M46 Patton,T-44-100,T-44,Tiger 2p, Tiger 2H and other late ww2 tanks.

7.0 vs 8.0 still somewhat bearable for me, you are still facing mostly things you have no trouble killing and the protection and firepower department ain’t too far apart. 8.0 vs 9.0 however, you can feel the power creep, most noticeable differences for me being the FCS, having stabilizer vs no stabilizer pretty much force me to play passively in my unstabilized 8.0s/8.3s because I am not going to be quick enough for most enemy encounters should I get uptiered. Firepower also seems night and day difference, you will find there is almost 100mm angle pen difference in ammunition performance. Some examples being, T-54 and T95E1 is in a worse position than the T29/Tiger II 105 when going full uptiered, good thing is most 7.7s and 8.0 are pretty mediocre vehicles.