Previous patch the US voice set was released, and now you get submarine action!
It started a year ago, a surprise request while I was working on the USS Texas (still working on details). Little did I know i was in over my head in figuring out what was said on ship!
Some things I could find published and uploaded on the internet, some things I knew about, and some things came from movies which I then cross checked with published sources for veracity. And some things I could not find anywhere.
I also decided on 2 goals
To make the US dialog as different as UK
Work best with the way the game worked, mainly in short message as possible.
I was not involved with who will speak the dialog, or the directing, or how it is activated on game, but on hearing them I would make a couple of changes but am overall good with the results.
Feed back welcome, if something you do not like, please offer your suggest.