BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

No worries, good luck. It does get better with AMRAAM. Be a rat, don’t get involved in fights if you can help it.


In a low speed launch the AMRAAM is pretty impressive.


Yeah turns iut all you need to do, to make the harrier realy viable is using it as a helicopter

Something I have gotten into the habit of doing is using the viff ability to quickly pull the plane up when flying low at speed with a lock and lobbing the missile up at a 45-70 degree angle when planes are 7-10km away, even if they are flying low I am finding it to be pretty effective at slapping them out of it, doubly funi if theres cover between you and the enemy plane so you can immediately break their ability to lock for a direct attack.

Do you always just run the 4xAMRAAMs?

It’s what I’ve be personally doing, they have good enough G for CQB stuff, and they’re much harder to defeat while still being aggressive at such a range

I have found an online page which suggests the existence of AP rockets for the rocket pods that accompany all sea harriers and some earlier planes such as the sea vixen.

If this is TRUE then there is the chance we have rockets for ground attack

I don’t know if this is correct place for this…
But I couldn’t resist
I want the FA.2 as well

EDIT: Any advice for stock grind (ARB)?


Place your head in your hands and weep.


I survived stock AV-8B Plus…
It can’t be that bad, right? Right?

Imagine you have a spaded Sea Harrier FRS.1(e) and you decided the game was too easy, so you up tiered yourself to 12.3.


Ooof… I guess it really is that bad
Still going for FA.2 though

You are sub sonic platform with 2 9L, everything else has energy advantage over you, has better flightm model, and there are 10 ARH missiles locked at your coordinates

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Spaded there is alot of fun to be had, is it the best vehicle in the game? No never was going to be. But in a 11.3-12.3 game you’ve got alot of reach with the AMRAAM which means you’re not instantly dead when someone looks at you.

Oh my god ITS REAL, Thanks

Difference is AV8B+ is the Harrier II airframe, Sea harrier FRS.2 is Harrier 1 airframe.

And then there was the plan to put Vixen into a GR.9A…

Which was the Harrier III proposal which I’ve mentioned a few times and have a forum on.

Would anyone be interested with a Discord chat for this group so people can grind and chat?