BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

This bug happens with more than just the Shar, you can have bombs in your loadout but when you drop them the hud is stuck on the bomb CCIP.

Guns and Bombs without selection;

Selecting bombs;

bombs dropped and selection mode exited;

I see what you mean about switching sights when the bombs are gone, you only have A2G guns or bombs I believe there is a report in for this behaviour but the work around is to exit weapon selection.


But then the problem is if you have any other weapons you have to constantly select a weapon and exit weapons. Hopefully it gets fixed soon it’s pretty annoying especially in Sim

Thank you i will give it a go

god finally… And i gotta say, now it isn’t that bad lol, specially because i’m getting a bunch of downtiers


your stronger than me, i gave up already on the tonado… 2 9ls, 4 9ls, its all worthless when you have no chaff or SARH/ARH missiles stock.


It had a cost…

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Im sorry to hear you have failed, and fallen for the temptation.


I never have any ge left, low tier premiums call to me, buy more of us so you have even more premiums youll never use. luckly i copt myself the swedish sherman which i am thoroughly enjoying playing, especially coming from the sespit that is 10.3 (i want to murder the russian 10.0/10.3 lineup and whoever made it).

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Bit of Shar


what was it you were saying yesterday about the stock grind 😂

Your vids make me want to come back to AirRB, but I know I’m going to have a bad time.

Can you show us how its done with the 2 9L’s? That stock grind has robbed me of my sanity trying to use it in sim and was about as fun as repeatedly slamming my head into a brick wall.

And maybe i can pick up some tips for when i have to rinse and repeat for the F3 late when i unlock that.

It can’t be done, stock is almost 1:1 with flying the Sea Harrier FRS.1(e) spaded but at BR 12.3 which is nearly impossible. Personally I think 4x9L should be stock or ditch the 9L all together and just give 2x9M or 4x9M stock.


Ahh damn. I have only just got the amraam (havent used it yet) and i owe it to other players having issues with their counter measures or i get lucky and and someone hasnt seen me. 2 9M’s would help for sure but i feel for anyone grinding it right now. Its not even the fox 3s that were giving me trouble either. If my missile got flared on merge id be dead.

I thought the tonka f3 was bad when i had that to go through but it atleast had speed to back up a sneaky play style. But this is the worst stock grind i have ever experienced.

What would the odds be of there being a loadout dependant BR system?


Near zero I think, as you select your loadout in game and its flexible so you’d already be in a match and able to select for example 4xAMRAAM or 2x9L should you wish to suffer. The basic game mechanics in their current forms wouldn’t work for this kind of system.

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Fair enough. I would have suggested something along the lines of have to loadout equipped for the br to fly. If you then try to change to higher br weaponary once in a game that loadout is locked.

Do you happen to know the ideal thrust vectoring angles for a sustained and instantaneous turn?

Angles don’t matter nearly as much for instance turn. Just available speed. But for sustained 25%. Keep your speed above ~850kph otherwise you bleed energy too quickly in the first circle.


Thank you :)

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