BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Unfortunately i had to go to work :(

Not taking too long so far. Spade bonus farming is a chill way to grind something you want. Keeps you distracted and swapping between airframes

Joys of unemployment lmao, got a interview this weekend to with any luck I’ll have the GE to skip some grind soon

Unfortunately the only aircraft I really have left to spade are ones I don’t really like flying, (FRS.1, Harrier GR.3 l, Buccaneer S.2B etc etc, can’t stand not having radar guided missiles lmao)

Ah damn that sucks. But yeah, free time can be nice to have if you arent desperate for cash. Good luck with the job hunt.

Sea harrier FRS1e and Jaguar IS done (I will never ever touch the Jaguar IS again, its aweful) and nearly done the buc S2B. Bombing bases in Sim is easy way to finish these off and the blue parrot radar is actually quite good (though I think ground clutter has been icnreased)

After this match in Sim. probably Tornado Gr1 time as its talismanned. But yeah, I prefer BVR combat over IR combat. Its why ive really not enjoyed the Gripen since it was added

Thanks! I just picked a terrible time to stand my ground against regional trying to get me to work above my position again lmao.

I just like being able to grab a missile and plant it exactly where I want, with none of the IR missile foiblies, like getting distracted by the neighbours cat, or getting flared by a cup of tea half a continent away.

Yeah that was my issue in the Jaguar IS. Magic IIs being defeated by someone shouting the word flare. Didnt even need an actual flare for it to change target


Meanwhile, Certain american missiles that are IRL a straight downgrade compared to a magic 2 “Nah, these flares aren’t real”.

The state of magic 2s is infuriating.


Don’t play with this thing. Believe me, it’s driving me crazy. This thing doesn’t kill anyone, and it’s easy to be killed. Without a little game experience,

I play Air Sim. Its much easier to grind in that gamemode and the dynamic is very different

No, you think too much. I’ve tried all the air combat modes. But the experience of this thing is very bad. You can’t kill anyone, but you’re very easy to kill. The whiteboard of this thing can’t be played at all.

even in the air sim, Be killed easily, Hard to kill anymore.

You can say the same about the FRS.1 in AirRB.

It used to be ok, but with BR compression, it gets donked on more often than not.

But, if you take it into Air SB, it’s a whole new plane.
I’ve taken down vastly superior aircraft, as you have the element of surprise.

What it sounds like, and I don’t mean to offend here, is user error.

Play sim and evolve your play style.

Stay low, terrain mask, pounce on unsuspecting aircraft.

You’re never going to go toe to toe in the FA.2, so don’t even bother trying.

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British mains will increase its efficiency as we always bloody do and it will remain at the same br while being clearly inferior (excluding the Radar)


quickly tries to hide 26 kill streak and counting in GRB with SHAR


Ah yes, the Phimat pods

They’d basicaly crash your game whenever you loaded in with the Phimats on your Jaguar, and since the Jaguar was the last plane you selected, when you loaded in again… that was the plane selected… with the Phimat pods.

The “fix” was to remove the Jaguar from your account lmao, unsurprisingly didn’t make it to live.

12.7 SHAR when?

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I wish i had a screenshot of my 13-13 k/d before i began this wild ride but er, yeah, I am not getting worried about ruining my kill streak while flying xD

People think a fighter spawns and the SHAR is afraid? No, the SHAR is the 1 who locks.

Also, just me or does the 800 NAS camo look like a flatfish on the back?

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but is the truth that the fa2 is Obviously weaker than av8b+and j8f ,but their br is the same which is unacceptable

jesus christ you’re nearly 3 to 1… what the heck

My streak ended at 28 due to some bs of airfield within pantsir range though, very annoyed and sad.


Love to see it