BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

tbf, i forget we still dont have full hud in either :( i hope we see it in the tornado as it really needs it.

Yeah, the placeholder HUDs are starting to get a little ridiculous

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don‘t you think it current br 12.3 is too high compared with j8f and av8b

Small IR signature that is easily masked 🤔 potential new IR masking modification? Is the IR signature in game deemed to be small?

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So now that the FA.2 is coming…
FRS.51 LUSH when :D

Does the Flight Path Marker work?

Apart from anything else, with top tier jets they virtually become unusable without their proper HUDs.

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the jas39c’s HMD is broken ,can any no report on it?

Wrong topic

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Its not just the 39Cs HMD, all HMD Radar is broken, but also yes wrong topic :P

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CRL/BOL has been added, I’ve got reports in for finalizing the model so the BOL module is actually present at the back. And for the 160 CM’s.


I do and I don’t.

I think its going to be like.the harrier Gr7, going to do really well for first few months, then between nerfs and the fact everyone will learn how to deal with ARH. It will then be massively over BRed

Actually the FA2 will probably do better than the AV-8B+. As it can take 2x more Aim-9M. Or take the same number of AAMs (either 2/2 or 0/4 config) but get 320 more CMs than the AV-8B+. It also has the much better radar.

J-8F though could very well be a lot stronger than the FA2, depending on whether or not its got any good IRs. I dont know much about chinese AAMs

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i thought it would be less countermeasures than the av 8b as it would require mounting single missiles in order to get the bol pods? unless the SHAR as more base countermeasures now. but i still think the av 8b will be better simply because it can tussle with the gen 4s itll be facing. This will allow it to run away more effectivly where as the SHAR will sadly get turned on in a matter of seconds as it dumps all its energy and then becomes a flying brick.

well have to see but i doubt the radar is gonna be able to carry it like how it is on the tornado (playing other jets like the f15 and ek kai made me realise how good we had it in that department).

Forgot the AV-8B gets a larger base amount than the Gr7.

with 5 AAMs the SHAR would have more than the AV8B+ but less if it had 6

But the FM advantage in WVR is notable

It really comes down to how much the meta shifts to BVR

not even that, think about notching. just like the tornado the shar will only be able to do it a limited amount of times before being WVR where as the AV-8B can do it over and over again. All while staying very mobile (not sure how the fm is different to the gr 7 with he radar and all but i assume its pretty close unlike the gr 3 and sea harriers).

although i doubt the br difference would do much, i still think the shar should go down to 12.0 just so it gets less 13.0 matches. However they should also make it so 11.0 jets cant see 12.0 matches. would allow for amraam capable jets to be lower without ruining an entire br.


@Smin1080p the fa2 should go to 12.0
Let’s compare it to the gr7, and it’s clear that its advantage is the excellent radar (but it’s hard to say whether this will be its advantage, because its airframe performance is so bad that it’s only about 9.7, which makes its ability to use radar to lock on to targets at this weight is very low) with the aim120. Its disadvantage lies in its extremely poor airframe performance (9.7 level).

compared with av8b+,the may be advantage lies in that it has only two more aim120,but players will carry 3 in or two more aim120 will make no difference in the game.however,it has extremely poor airframe performance (9.7 level) which will cause it
peform extremly poor in 12.3

Even with the gr7’s airframe performance (around 11.0), I admit it’s flexible, but it’s almost impossible to attack from low altitude, because it only has an advantage in the first round of hovering, but its energy will be lost rapidly in combat, so the best way for him to attack is to attack from top to bottom and then break away.

But fa2 is very difficult to accomplish even this kind of top-down attack. only a maximum overload of 6G at 5000 m will make it very difficult for the target to enter the attack envelope of the missile quickly, whether it is against the target at the same altitude or the target at a low altitude. (Now even the U-turn is done very slowly.)

To sum up, a 9.7 airframe is too weak for a 12.3, and even though it has one of the best weapon systems in the game, its lack of HMD, coupled with its poor pointing ability, will make it difficult for it to take the lead in the battle。(It is also difficult to avoid any missile of this br.)

FA.2 got BOL for the AIM-120s with the latest dev update


They’re not working for me. I cant see them, or has the update not dropped yet?

The loadout exists, might not be available to use tho

