BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion


We’ve placed a lot of expectation on Gunjob to prove the existence of an 8 missile load for the SHar.

If it doesn’t come through, I’ll stop believing.




I wish it was true, but the manual gives zero indication its remotely possible.



The inboard pylons were still wired for sea eagle though I believe?
Which isn’t listed on the stores diagram.

Grasping at straws here, but 9 times out of 10, the Shar flew with external tanks, so maybe the provision was there, but never used unless absolutely necessary?
I.e full scale war broke out and the fleet was under immediate threat / emergency war fitting.

That’s because by the time of this manual Sea Eagle was withdrawn from service.


Just to avoid duplication of effort these are the current open reports;

[sea_harrier_fa2] Ability to use BOL with Twin Sidewinders
[sea_harrier_fa2] Fuselage Eject Pylons Don’t Eject the Missile
[sea_harrier_fa2] ADEN Gun Pods Using Wrong Skin
[sea_harrier_fa2] Fuselage Strakes Still Attached When Carrying AMRAAM.
[sea_harrier_fa2] Missing EEGS for A2A Guns
[sea_harrier_fa2] Sea Harrier FA.2 - Missing Twin Stores Carrier
[sea_harrier_fa2] Sea Harrier FA2 missing external fuel tanks
[sea_harrier_fa2] Sea Harrier FA.2 Incorrect RWR
[sea_harrier_fa2] Sea Harrier FA.2 Incorrect HUD
[sea_harrier_fa2] Sea Harrier FA.2 incorrect wing mounted AMRAAM pylon



Did we have any air launched ASM when the FA.2 came in?

Sea Eagle for a brief time, but by the time FA.2 came into existence there was only 3 missiles left for test firing for the whole life of the airframe. So by mid life we’d run out and the remainder were retired.


I knew our military was in dire times from the early 2000s but I didn’t realise how bad it was.

Can we not play pretend? Its not like aircraft have not gotten the wrong armament or the right armament on the incorrect hardpoints before

what is the difference between sky guardian 200 and ari 18228/19 ?

Naming, ARI 18228/19 is the designation in service.

Also the band coverage is completely wrong doesn’t cover C-M, only covers E-J bands. Does still have ThreatID and all the other bells and whistles.


have you tested the “no escape range” on the shar aim120Bs in the dev server? (or the hud symbology)


There is no HUD symbology as it has the GR3 HUD. But I did score a kill from 40nm away.


Can amraams be launched whilst hovering? If so would it ever be preferable to launching a sidewinder whilst hovering?

doubt, would have seen helis with them if so.

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The few times i’ve tried to fire Aim-9 from a hover or near hover speed it just doesnt track and plummets like a rock. I dont think they can be fired currently from ultra low air speeds

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Suppose thats my peek a boo tactic i was going to try now out the window 😅

Already got a hover kill with them :)