BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

that and also it’s somewhat safer. getting some aoa (which is effectively what you’re doing with that ramp) generates a bit more lift if you fire it through the lift equation, and if something does go sideways on launch you get a bit more time to think “time to punch out” and then actually get out.

I imagine folks have gone dormant whilst awaiting any info on if the Sea Harrier FA.2 is coming or not.
Pretty much everything in regards to guesses on weapons, performance, cockpit/radar, etc has already really been said or done

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ok, thanks

in the SAAF Gripen thread their is data on the FA2s radar

thanks, will check it out

Are the radar modes accurate on the Sea Harrier FRS1?

Currently we have 110° x 11° and 20° x 11°.

Just wondering if there is suppose to be a narrow search mode (vertically) something like a 20° x 5°. Narrower search modes exist on most other aircraft like the Sea Vixen or Buc S2B with a 100° x 5° and it would be helpful when at low alt

Isn’t supposed to be put classified documents to harrier (i feel like im not either reading or i will miss this out to this document like probably wasn’t put in google drive)

Not a clue, still waiting on the FAA museum for that.



Could the Sea Harrier F/A.2 technically have twin asraam on the splitters for 9L?
Perhaps this could open up the possibility for an “early” and “late” version in the game?

Yes ASRAAM is fully compatible with the LAU-7’s on the twin rails.


Guessing it wouldn’t work for the belly hardpoints though (space wise that is)? Would be funny to have 8 missles on a harrier, but I’ll settle for six

Only AMRAAM and ADEN30 can be fit in those spots. As the AMRAAMs mounted there use an eject launcher rather than a rail for launching.

AMRAAM Eject Launcher;


Stores limits;



I really hope they model the eject launcher

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So… Will be waiting for “Late” version of F/A.2 in game, with 4 x asraam + 2 x Aim-120B =)

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Obviously I cannot comment on future additions but missile loads are a balancing choice so if there is a need its something the devs could explore for sure.


aww shame, would have been a good laugh

Sea Harrier FA.2 is in the latest leak list.

Oh my. Please let it be true.
It’d give me a reason to fly out the FRS.1 again.


I cannot think of a single reason why they wouldnt give us the FA2 as soon as AMRAAM comes available. It just makes too much sense and so much of it is in game already

Model: Sea Harrier FRS1
Engine: Harrier Gr7
Radar: Gripen
RWR: Un-used game asset

They said the reason the FRS1 cockpit took so long was because they could only find reference material for the FA2. So they should have all they need for the remodel (and I suspect they worked on them together)

Now they just need to glue the pieces together and add it.

Additionally if the Gripen gets R-Darter and moves up in BR. Then we are going to need something to fil the void. FA2 and F3 AoP would do that nicely

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FA2 model does differ slightly from the FRS.1 but not enough to warrant them modelling it from scratch.

But yeah, if it comes, I’m going to have to get used to Air RB again and grind it.

Desert warrior is also on the leak list so I’d be torn between what to grind first.

Depends how much Air RB has changed since I last played.

Thats easy for me, will always be air first (i dont even have the fox grinded yet) and Im even setting myself up ready to power grind the FA2. Ive gotten the buc S2B and FRS1e to nearly spaded, but not quite enough to get the spade bonuses yet. and Im thinking of adding the Jaguar IS to that list.

For me, I’ll be playing it in SB, so should be a doddle to spade, but I am fearing its BR a little. Especially in SB where it could be hard-locked to face full uptiers 24/7