BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

I don’t want maybes, I want confirmations @Flame2512

You’ll be increidbly unlkikely to get any before the next update

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I mean soon cause I really am sick of waiting for good British vehicles

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Aren’t we all…

I do fear (and a few in the R&R thread have already said this) that we will probably get R-Darter for the Gripen C and so, “what is the point of adding the FA2, if we have better already” being the line used by Gaijin.

But yeah, Id love the FA2

Dug up from gszabi’s datamines
Perhaps a sign of things to come.
There are a number of other aircraft that used SG200/SG200D or similar systems in the Sky Guardian family though


Got reports in for the SQDRN FRS.1, GR.1A/B and for the S.2B to get the Sky Guardian series of RWR upgrades on the ARI 18228.

Should leave us with

ARI 18288 on;
Jaguar GR.1
Harrier GR.3
Sea Harrier FRS.1(e)
Buccaneer S.2
Spey Phantoms (slight upgrade as they have exact bearings)

And then Sky Guardian equipped should be
Jaguar GR.1A/B
Sea Harrier FRS.1(L)
Buccaneer S.2B

Which gives us that nice early to late attackers.


Apolagies if its already been mentioned, but…

What improvements does the skyguardian give?

Can but hope to get any buffs in for the Bucc S.2B. I feel that it’s, yet again, going to be DOA because everyone is gonna have to spade it in Air RB, and by god it sucks in there on dev server, because you just can’t do anything if someone decides they want a free kill…

The only redeeming quality is you get somewhat better A/A missiles, but you only get two of them… whereas something like the TRAM gets 4, or it gets 3 and a Gun…

I’m hoping and praying it goes to 10.0, I just feel it’s completely unfair to put something that’s objectively worse than the TRAM in terms of… well, everything but speed, at the same BR.

Oh and the fact you’re handicapped to 3 guided weapons is infuriating. If you choose to take some sort of self defence, then you basically end up becoming a worse (flight performance wise) Jaguar.

But anywho, gone slightly offtopic


Considering the amount of times they’ve tried to move the buc s2 up to 9.7, I doubt it. They really didn’t like me farming bases in it so instead they just made bases take 5minutes to respawn and on maps so big it takes 10 just to get back to base. I’m all for the big maps but why are they at brs lower than 10.0.


Coverage of C/D band and the ability to identify radars.


They ever gonna give it its external Fueltanks?


I know, I really want them too, but Harriers are probably at the bottom of the list. Though holding out a slight hope they might just couple it with the FA2 whenever that gets added


also depends on what tanks we get. Pls none of the massive ferry tanks

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There are some 100 gal tanks in the files that AFAIK were the same shape as the 100 gal tanks on early FRS.1s (and GR.1 and GR.3) Harriers, but not the expanded 190gal tanks used after the Falklands War
The current ones look like they’re destined for the Hunter, since they’re marked as phenolic-asbestos material, where IIRC Harrier tanks were mild steel.

There’s one version with the fins named “late” and one with the fins removed (but still a cavity for them) named “early”

Honestly it should be minimal work for gaijin to convert the “early” one to Harrier tanks (retexture and remove the cavity they’ve left for the tail fins), but in all likelihood it’ll take them a while.

What does IIRC mean like everyone uses it but can’t think what it means

if i recall correctly

or remember. Depending on who you ask

or that.

So has anyone checked the Sea Harrier on the Dev server? Any sign of the correct cockpit HUD or new RWR?

Thanks in advance. I probably should install the dev server at some point to check myself.

Doesn’t seem any different?



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