BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

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No the Harrier GR.7 or GR.9 upgrade with the Blue Vixen radar suggestion from BAe.

can you show in the other harrier thread

I asked 'cause it would have used the Blue Vixen and would have been a SHar 2 replacement

have you got any info on this it the first im hearing of it

Unfortunately I have no info nor can I find any but it is mentioned on the P.1216 forum


Do I need much info to start a new forum?

Does anyone know if the Sea Harrier FA.2 could carry AIM 120s on it’s inner wing pylon?


1st or 2nd comment?

it can carry it on the outer wing pylons

what about the inner wing pylons where the drop tanks normally go

no it can’t

sad so no Cannons, AMRAAMs and Sidewinders loadout

im afraid so

Any Sea Harrier work on the dev server?

RWR, Cockpit HUD, Radar gunsight, etc?

Everyone, Fox 3s are in the dev server for testing.
So this update or the next they will 100% come to the game without our beloved SHar 2

So let’s spam requests for the Sea Harrier FA.2 on all of the means of communication with Gaijin

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They have stated they will not be coming this update, and are planned for next update. I expect the Sea Harrier FA.2 will come with them next update.