BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

I found another work around. Disable weapon selection. Set a binding for “Exit selected weapon mode” and when you’ve fired all AAMs and need the gunsight, just turn off weapon selection and the gunsight reappears (will disappear again if you select your bombs/rockets though, but then when you are done just disable it again )


Cheers. Will be making use of that for now.

There is still no HMD on ULQ and on linux - at any settings since november patch. Atleast based apemax forward the linux issue so it might be fixed everywhere

was the Indian sea harrier armed with magic one or magic two


Since India used both of them, safe to say it could use both.

This is awesome, I’d personally love to see cluster munitions come to the game, especially as a few of my favorite aircraft get them, I assume it would be better for air RB base bombing compared to regular bombs. I’d like to see the “BombKapsel 90” on the AJS-37, also, I haven’t payed much attention in cockpit on the AJ/AJS-37 but the round display to the right of the HUD which is the visual of what the RB-75/AGM-65 bore sight is seeing, is that modeled in the cockpit?

I think you’re lost here. We have not mentioned anything about cluster munitions or the Viggen. From what I can tell yes the RB-75 screen is modelled in the cockpit.

Cluster Munitions weren’t mentioned? I mentioned the Viggen because it has cluster munitions, not just saying it at random.

CBUs are a core A2G weapon for quite a few aircraft. What I’d give for JP233 on the Tornado


Are you prepared for the desync that would come with it as well. It would be even worse than the spaa desync we have already as it’s hundreds of bomblets and not even just 30mm rounds.

But…but… but …

(Yes I know its MW1, not JP233)

Well if it isnt “Geneva convention? I thought it was a to do list…” machine.


Sorry it’s a short. Was browsing the internet last minute and I found this.


Full vid.

Brilliant, I loved it when they did things like that. and I 100% believe that convo happened:

BBC: “Good afternoon, we wonder if we can borrow a Sea Harrier for a skit on Top Gear”

Royal Navy: “How many do you want?”


Haven’t played the SHar for a while, have any of the bugs with the 9L been fixed yet? Mainly the flare resistance?


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I just can’t imagine growing up without top gear. Was such a great show to watch after coming back from school. Makes me feel sorry for any country that can’t watch it.


True, old topgear was a masterpiece