BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

If anyone is interested there’s a Falklands event happening in a discord server

What server

Krab nation SIM events

Sim huh not used to playing sim

Let’s talk Sea Eagle for a moment, the first sea harrier XZ450, which also was used for testing the new sea eagle missle, had its RWR removed to make space for the control panel of the sea eagle, which saldy contributed to the death of its Pilot in the Falklands.
Do we know where the Sea Eagles controll panel was mounted when the full integration into the sea harriers happened?


for reference, any ideas when the Dual rails for the 9Ls were introduced into FAA Service?

At least 1983

It was part of the “Phase 1” upgrade programme which was rolled out between late 1982 - 1987.


August 1982 as a UOR of sorts
Proper “Phase 1” upgrade to formalise and standardise those kinds of operational mods across the whole fleet (like the 4x AIM-9s, AN/ALE-40 dispensers, update RWR etc.) was 1986 onwards

So has there been any word on finishing the Sea Harrier? (HUD and RWR)

been getting into recently in SB and the completed HUD and better RWR would make it without a doubt my favourite aircraft for SB at the moment.


let’s be fair Morvran, an improved HUD for all modern aircrafts would probably be enough of a bribe from Gaijin 😂

That said, I do agree, updated HUD for Tornado and SHAR would be lovely.

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Just had a thought (and this might be a nerf)

Did the Sea Harriers actually have CCRP?

(Just recalling a bit from tremmelings book about bombing in a sea harrier. But I might be recalling incorrectly)

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If they can use CCIP they should be able to use CCRP. It should have some of the A/G hardware from the land based Harriers. Though I’m not sure the Gr.1 should have any ballistic computer at all.

Iirc he talks about being able to bomb a whole lot more precisely in the FA.2, which would indicate some sort of CCIP/CCRP function. My guess is it was probably fitted, but rarely used because a) Harrier GR.7/9 are mud movers
and b) why mud move when you can sidewinder sling

FRS.1 flew many ground attack missions in the Falklands and Bosnia wich would also be a sign that they have some kind of CCRP

Or just reliable CCIP.

That might be too, well we know one thing for certain it wasnt the Nav/attack system because from what I have read it was the most unreliable thing out there, so unreliable in fact that it was excluded from the 2 weeks crash course which some of 809 squadron went through before they went to war (at least 2 of them if j remember right didn’t even had flown a harrier before). XD


And we still won all Air-Air combat engagements.



The 9L plus the Argentinians having to fly lower then usual really helped