BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Haven’t read it see if their is mistakes

Love to land and recover my BOL rails

The AI is right the rails can fly on their own

Welp, love when CM pods allow for reduced dependency on specific carriers

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Sea harrier operating from a Type 45 destroyer :P

But that is the funniest thing ever. I love ChatGPT stuff


Well, dont mind if i do
30s later:


they are multi tool rails


Me attaching HMS Hood to my BOL rail


I wouldn’t be against something like that.

dont make fun off that

the ss atlantic conveyor hat a sea harrier in around the clock readiness, when she made her way down south like the catapult fighters during ww2 (it had its refueling boom reatached since the initail plan was that there would be a victor tanker as support) it would have very likely been a one way mission with ditching in/ejecting over the sea required because of the light fuel load the shar could take for vertical takeoff


Gaijin Mods meanwhile:

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weren’t they, in am emergency, cleared for the Fearless and Intrepid? Or am I dreaming

then again they gave Canberra a Helipad by covering the swimming pool over.

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AI gave me all the classified documents

It was designed on a napkin, so its fine

Ive experienced a bug today where the SHar FRS early loses its gun sight if you use all of your bombs before your missiles.

I have a video and screenshot of the version number if a bug report is needed

That is wierd. Sounds a little like what was happening on the Gr7 a year ago. Sure its not the gun sights for some reaosn switching to ground mode or staying on bomb mode?


I can toggle between standard and ground mode but the gun sight for standard is stuck on bomb mode.

Working fine for me (on the SQV version), try deleting the loadout (if its a custom) and make it again, Sometimes fixes these issues. If it is still persistant, then I would submit a bug report.

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