BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Ok wait. I get it now.

So is it a size thing that prevents the bol from being used on the twin rack or is it electronics?

That I have no idea about. @Gunjob might know though.

Im guessing a combo of size, weight and wiring

Obligatory @Gunjob mention.

If in doubt, the almighty corgi will probably know the answer :D

It’s more a case of there being no evidence that it was ever done, than a case of there being evidence it was impossible to do.


on the inboard pylons, maybe the Chaff/Flares would foul the aircraft on deployment?

Not sure why the Outboard pylons wouldn’t carry them.

We are talking about mounting bol on the double rails, the ones seen on the squad Shar

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yeah I know. presumably the inboard ones with BOL rails might’ve fouled the exhausts?

Well, the bol shoots to the back, so doubt it

Ive just unlocked the TT SHar. Why does the radar struggle with locking targets? Even on narrow scan when the target is being picked up on every sweep, i press lock and it fails but still keeps picking up in normal scan. This occurs even below 19km radar range setting.

Other than trying to reduce ground clutter by angling radar upwards. Anything else i can do to try improve target lock?

On a sidenote. Did the Shar FA2 utilise a HMD?

The radar is bugged rn, it takes the clutter and strenghtens it for some reason.

I dont think so. Never heard nor seen anything that would suggest it did.


Sigh. Well atleast its not a skill issue lol.

Ah ok. Just wishful thinking on my part tbh. Cheers


Probably a wiring limitation. But I’m not saying its impossible just I’ve found nothing to demonstrate that it can be done.

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Perhaps it’s time we start asking tremors on twitter to start revealing info from the manual 😂

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The FA.2 manuals I have aren’t complete but the stores limits and loads are there. And it doesn’t seem it’s possible but doesn’t mean some wacky testing didn’t happen.

Yep, from his book it does look like they were more conservative on loadouts. Opting for a “complete” loadout across multiple aircraft. I’d not be surprised if the twin rails were simply a rarer loadout option for the FA2 during its service.

Ok, who has the skills to make us a totally not suspicious MoD documents about Bol on the double rail? :)


Ministry of Defence - United Kingdom

Classified Document: TOP SECRET

Subject: Bolt-On Landing (BOL) Rails for Sea Harrier FA2

Distribution: Limited to authorised personnel only

Effective Date: [Insert Date]

Executive Summary:

This document outlines the implementation and usage of Bolt-On Landing (BOL) Rails for Sea Harrier FA2 aircraft within the Royal Navy. The BOL Rails provide an enhanced capability for the Sea Harrier FA2 to operate from a variety of naval vessels, expanding its operational versatility.

1. Introduction:

1.1 The Sea Harrier FA2 is a crucial component of the Royal Navy’s air power projection capabilities. The introduction of Bolt-On Landing (BOL) Rails aims to improve the flexibility and adaptability of the Sea Harrier FA2 for shipborne operations.

1.2 The BOL Rails are designed to facilitate the launch and recovery of Sea Harrier FA2 from naval vessels equipped with appropriate deck facilities.

2. Objectives:

2.1 Enhanced Deck Operations: To provide the Sea Harrier FA2 with the capability to operate from a broader range of naval platforms.

2.2 Increased Operational Flexibility: Enable the Sea Harrier FA2 to conduct missions from vessels that may not have traditional catapult and arresting gear systems.

2.3 Reduced Dependency: Reduce the dependency on specific aircraft carriers, allowing Sea Harrier FA2 to operate from a variety of naval vessels.

3. Technical Specifications:

3.1 BOL Rails Configuration:

  • Material: High-strength, corrosion-resistant alloys.
  • Length: [Insert Length] meters.
  • Mounting: Securely attached to the Sea Harrier FA2 airframe.
  • Compatibility: Configured for compatibility with standard naval deck facilities.

3.2 Launch and Recovery Systems:

  • Launch: Utilizes standard aircraft catapult systems.
  • Recovery: Utilizes arresting gear systems for safe recovery.

4. Operational Procedures:

4.1 Launch Procedure:

  • Engage BOL Rails with catapult system.
  • Execute standard pre-flight checks.
  • Initiate catapult launch sequence.

4.2 Recovery Procedure:

  • Execute standard approach and landing procedures.
  • Engage BOL Rails with arresting gear system.
  • Perform standard post-flight checks.

5. Training and Certification:

5.1 Training Programs:

  • Pilots and deck crew members to undergo specialized training for BOL Rail operations.
  • Simulator training for launch and recovery procedures.

5.2 Certification Process:

  • Establish criteria for certification of naval vessels for BOL Rail operations.
  • Conduct thorough testing and evaluation before granting certification.

6. Logistics and Maintenance:

6.1 Logistics:

  • Maintain an inventory of spare BOL Rails and associated components.
  • Establish a logistics support system for deployment to naval vessels.

6.2 Maintenance:

  • Develop a routine maintenance schedule for BOL Rails.
  • Provide training to maintenance crews for BOL Rail upkeep.

7. Conclusion:

The introduction of Bolt-On Landing (BOL) Rails for Sea Harrier FA2 enhances the Royal Navy’s operational capabilities by enabling the aircraft to operate from a wider range of naval vessels. This capability increases flexibility and reduces dependency on specific carriers, contributing to a more adaptable and responsive naval force.

Note: This document is classified as TOP SECRET. Unauthorized access or disclosure is strictly prohibited. Any questions or requests for further information should be directed to the appropriate authority within the Ministry of Defence.