BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Never attempted to put their last domestic BVR missile, V-4 a/k/a R-Darter (based on the Israeli Derby) on it because they were hoping to develop a successor. The missile was retired along with the Atlas Cheetah in 2008
Never bought a foreign BVR missile (such as AMRAAM or Meteor) for them either because of budget issues (and politics)

Development of a successor to V-4 seems to have paused for two reasons: Priority given to completing the domestic short-range AAM V-3E a/k/a A-Darter (SA+Brazilian project to equip Gripen in the long term). A-Darter was completed in 2019, but the delivery to service still seems uncertain.
The country has been struggling to afford to operate Gripen in general. SAAF just started flying them again this year after a 2 year grounding.


Why not go straight to FSP, so we do not need to add more of the same plane, and we can get weaponery later?

F.3 (late), then they can do whatever.


I just hope we wont have to grind CSP AOP and FSP as a different aircrafts. No matter how much i like Tornados, they are not worth the time invested in them, and having to grind more than 2 of the same would be straight up annoying with how their already mediocre performance is so much worse as stock.

Do we know what rails the SHAR early in game has and what it had in real life?
Because I just read that they had to file the launch rails down to fit the 9 Limas since they didn’t have enough time to get a factory solution. Before deployment to the Falklands

Version for the AIM-9G type missiles was LAU-7/A-1 to A-3. Launchers introduced for AIM-9L were LAU-7/A-4 and later
Visibly the A-4 modifications for the 9L only differ significantly in terms of the design of the fin retainer assembly. Instead of one clip that fit the 9D/G/H fins, the A-4 had a dual clip: one to fit 9G fins and one to fit 9L fins.
LAU-7 models used in game are generally dual-clip types regardless of the period of the aircraft (inc. F-4 Phantom, Harriers GR.3, AV-8A, F-8 Crusader etc. etc.).

Both Sea Harrier FRS.1s share the same mesh file with the single LAU-7 as part of the base aircraft model and only differ in terms of how they’re encoded in the game.
i.e. they will still have the same single LAU-7 launcher regardless of if the retainer design is adjusted.

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Well, was hoping teaser would have Sea Harrier FA2, but nope, another US jet. Fingers crossed for the dev stream I suppose.

Currently huffing hopium atm waiting for a RAAF F-111c or F-111k to appear

If thats our “top tier” jet for the year, I’d be quite upset. Another bomber would suck. DOnt get me wrong, it would be fun to have, but totally unneeded considering we have some of the best CAS jets in the game already. What is needed ASAP is something, anything, actually competitive at top tier in A2A

Very true, guess we will see tomorrow afternoon or in a data-mine if the UK gets anything remotely competitive

Yeah… fingers crossed.

Just been confirmed by Smin, Britain is getting no aircraft this update. So time to uninstall till December

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Thought it was no top tier aircraft.

Yep. So there is hope for a non top tier aircraft:

From what i’ve seen we could still see some lower tier aircraft, there are some options for the lower Br’s

I seriously doubt it at this point. We’ve got 3 new vehicles already confirmed coming this update. That 50% more than we got last major udpate and more than we usually get.

none at all?

not even… an F-111C or K?

jeez, they really didn’t like us bug reporting everything wrong with the Harrier and Tornados xD

It was confirmed on stream the F-111A would be variant coming this patch.

and no other variants? (i didnt see the english stream)

Yep it was confirmed by Mike this will be the only variant coming this patch.