BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

Yep, nothing of note this update. Only the Vickers mk11 which is a massive downgrade to the rooikat

I mean I’m kinda interested in it if for no other reason than “MUH BRITISH LIGHTS”

but equally i’m surprised about the no SHAR FA.2 thing.

Yeah, but it’s slower and larger than the rooikat, has worse shell, no TVD and no drone.

But yeah, top tier air would have been nice. But so would have been things like a new Jag, or some tornado Gr1 missing features


It they’re adding a aircraft to the british techtree this update its probably going to be a premium varient of some aircraft that’s already in game.

Maybe they’ll do something similar to how they did the Harriers or a10s by making and late and early varient if they’re adding the sea harrier fa2 this update

god i genuinely hope not

Awful idea. FA2 is DOA as is already don’t wanna grind two of them

How so would it be DOA?

If its the first jet to be added with AMRAAMs as a test bed, it’ll be pretty good.

the FA.2 Is the most logical jet to be the first added in game with AMRAAMs.

We all know how the harriers perform, so it isnt going to be OP by any means in terms of speed or maneuverability, so it makes it a perfect testbed for the new missile to the game.

By the time you’ve taken off, got to a good altitude for long range shots, fired, turned around, enemy jets in its BR bracked (Most likely 11.3 & up) will be able to chase it down before it RTB.

Would also like the FA.2 purely for this skin.

Alternatively, they could add the FA.2 before they add AMRAAMs, because you know, 4 x AIM-9M.

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Not happening.

A sea harrier with 4 9Ms is markedly worse than a GR.7.

A Sea Harrier with 4 9M will be much better than the GR7 in SIM.

  • When AMRAAM’s do come, it’ll be much better than the GR.

You’re forgetting the sea harrier is going to have first gen harrier flight performance though.

Turning wise, yea, as the GR7 has a larger wing area.

speed/Accel will be similar, as theres not much difference between the Pegasus 106 of the FA2 & the 107 of the GR7. The T/W Ratio unladen of the two are near similar .99 to 1.0

Can’t believe the shar is getting ejection seat animation before drop tanks.

Gaijin, plz gib drop tanks.


Be careful what you wish for me might get a wierd magical center line drop tank like the phantoms (of which most nations never used this)


What we want…100Gallon drop tanks…

What they’ll give us…330Gallon ferry tanks.


Gaijin have already said ARH missiles are coming to everyone simultaneously, so yeaaaaah it’ll be pretty DOA vs better airframes and the same weapon selection

I’d take “everyone” with a pinch of salt.

The AIM-54 has been in game for a while and no other nation is yet to have ARH missiles.

The PL-12 missiles, same as other medium-range active seeker missiles for fighters of other game nations, will appear in War Thunder at the same time in one of the future game updates.

From the J8F dovbleg ([Development] J-8F jet fighter and future plans on the BVRAAMs - News - War Thunder)

This is the most current communication on the matter, so is probably what they’re going with.

The AIM-54 is in another class tho, shouldn’t be compared to much better (at least for the purpose of the game) Fox-3s such as the AMRAAM, etc. There’s nothing comparable to it unless they add the mig-25 with it’s big missiles.

Only real hope is different Fox 3 added to different aircraft